Karontor - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Karontor was a misshapen god who, when manifesting as an avatar, appeared to be an 18 feet (5.5 meters) tall, uniquely grotesque fomorian, so utterly abhorrent that his presence was reviled by practically all races. He dressed in rotting, reeking furs, and was known to wield a club, but could also take the form of a huge winter wolf. [4]
卡罗托Karontor | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Karontor is a wicked, misshapen god whose hatred of giantkind reflects his own deep self-loathing. He associates with the equally wicked and warped fomorian giants, but evil ver-beeg also carry his mark and prove superior spellcasting servants, given their higher mental capacity.
Karontor - Great Library of Greyhawk
Karontor is the giant deity of Deformity, Hatred, and Beasts. His symbol is the head of a winter wolf. Karontor manifests as a uniquely hideous fomorian giant dressed in rotting, stinking furs and wielding a club. He may also appear as a winter wolf.
Karontor, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Karontor is the giant deity of deformity, hatred, and beasts, and god of the fomorians and verbeeg. Karontor, with Grolantor, is one of the two "runts" of the Ordning—the smallest and weakest of the giantish pantheon, and the most degenerate and disappointing to their father Annam.
Karontor - Speex Realms Wiki
Karontor, once known as Balor, is the god-king of the fomorians who has long been exiled to Carceri for selling his people to Shabbith-Ka in an attempt to subjugate the Feywild. Balor was born to Gaea and Ulutiu along with Grolantor, but the two were raised by …
卡罗托(Karontor) 巨人的愤怒与仇恨之神 - 被遗忘的国度分馆
2024年10月4日 · 卡罗托(Karontor)巨人的愤怒与仇恨之神巨人神系 弱等神力别称 畸形者The Deformed One,残酷的The Cruel,被放逐者The Exile,野兽之主Master of Beasts圣徽 冬狼的头 ...
Karontor the Deformed One « AuldDragon's AD&D Blog
Karontor (kahr-ON-tor) the Deformed One is patron of the fomorian and verbeeg giants, smaller members of the Jotunbrud who bear the mark of his wicked ways. His cruelty and evil twisted his body and lead to his banishment from Jotunheim, and so he has come to also be patron of exiles and fugitives, especially if the reasons are due to ...
Karontor (MoMy) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Karontor is a wicked, misshapen god whose hatred of giantkind reflects his own deep self-loathing. He associates with the equally wicked and warped fomorian giants, but evil verbeeg also carry his mark and prove superior spellcasting servants, given their higher mental capacity.
Karontor Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
2021年11月23日 · Karontor was the giant god of disfigurement and hate, and the chosen patron of the malformed fomorians and the more villainous verbeeg. Exiled in ages past for his acts of spiteful envy, Karontor plotted his revenge from the cold depths of the Red Prison, driven by his malice towards all giantkind.
Karontor - Greyhawk Wiki
Karontor is the giant deity of Deformity, Hatred, and Beasts. His symbol is the head of a winter wolf. Karontor manifests as a uniquely hideous fomorian giant dressed in rotting, stinking furs and wielding a club. He may also appear as a winter wolf.