Karri Payment Solution for Schools
Karri is the specialised school payment solution that keeps your school running smoothly and your families happy. Schools create a payment request in 4 simple steps. From there, the app does …
Karrii - Development|Design|Education|Fun
All the fields are required! Nothing is too much. nothing is too little. If only everything in life was as simple as Karrii. Karrii is good for your business.
About Karri
Over the past eight years, Karri has taken South Africa by storm, becoming one of the country's most beloved apps. With over 18,000 app reviews averaging 4.9 stars, it’s clear that schools and parents trust Karri to make payments simple, secure, and stress-free. name? Karri (pronounced Carry) is derived from the isiZulu word for “small change.”
Eucalyptus diversicolor - Wikipedia
Eucalyptus diversicolor, commonly known as karri, [2] is a species of flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae and is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. It is a tall tree with smooth light grey to cream-coloured, often mottled bark, lance-shaped adult leaves and barrel-shaped fruit.
Karrii - YouTube
Hi, im Karrii my Twitch is Karriiwyd. I love animals and play games such as 2K, and Fortnite. Subscribe to my journey to become a better person!
假海桐 - 百度百科
假海桐(Pittosporopsis kerrii Craib)是茶茱萸科、假海桐属植物。 灌木或小乔木,高(1-)4-7(-17)米,树皮红褐色,小枝近圆柱形。 叶长椭圆状倒披针形至长椭圆形,长12-22厘米,宽4-8.5厘米。 花序长3-4.5厘米,被微柔毛;总花序梗长15-2.5厘米,分枝长0.4-0.8厘米。 核果近圆形至长圆形,稍偏,长2.5-3.5厘米,径约2-2.5厘米,生时白绿色。 种子具淡红褐色、极薄的种皮。 胚乳肉质,黄白色,半透明。 花期10月至翌年5月,果期2-10月。 分布于中国、缅甸、泰国、老 …
What is Karri? - ⛑️ Karri Manual - Confluence
Last updated: 20 May 2020 by Lauren Sauerbier (Unlicensed)2 min read
Home - Karri
Whether you’re a school, charity, religious organisation or small business, Karri is the easiest way to allow people to pay and donate securely from the comfort of their smartphone; whilst giving you the ability to comprehensively manage funds that are collected.
Herbal business software | Kerrii
KERRII is high quality, web based herbal business software that makes operating your herbal business simple and easy. KERRII allows you to determine more accurate pricing to eliminate manual paperwork, manage your inventory, keep track of formulas and more. Stop trying to guess your business - know it, with KERRII. What does KERRII do?
Herbal Software Features| Kerrii
Kerrii is the only herbal dispensary management software designed by herbalists for herbalists. It simplifies running your herbal business so you spend less time doing paperwork and more …