KAS-74U - DayZ Wiki
Selective-fire assault rifle fed from a detachable magazine. Shortened version of KA-74 with some compatible attachments. Uses 5.45x39mm rounds. The KAS-74U is a firearm in DayZ. The KAS-74U is a modified compact version of the KA-74, intending to maintain compatibility with most of the KA-74's magazines and some attachments.
1.23版本枪械说明(获取方式和评价) - 百度贴吧
kas-74u 获取方式:各类军事建筑、坠机事件 适用子弹:545x39 弹容量:30+1、45+1 评价:最容易获取的一把步枪,最早在c城里的小军营、c城西南机场就可以发现它的身影,占格子也少,威力说得过去,就是不能装瞄具,有弹夹的话可以作为过渡武器使用
AKS-74U卡宾枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AKS-74U在1970年代後期裝備蘇聯軍隊,為 AKS-74 的 卡賓槍 版本,其整體尺寸及有效射程與 衝鋒槍 相似。 AKS-74U亦是 AK-74 的獨立變种版本,同様發射 5.45×39毫米(M74) 彈,但它的 槍口 消焰器 較為不同,消焰器尾部為喇叭形,以降低射擊時的 後座力,亦可卡在鐵絲上,以子彈發射時的威力衝斷 鐵絲。 該槍主要由 圖拉兵工廠 生產,伊熱夫斯克機器製造廠僅於1980年代生產過一小批AKS-74U。 AKS-74U主要裝備 特种部队 、空降部队、工兵、通信兵、炮兵、车辆驾 …
KAS 74U Summary for DayZ: Stats, Attachments, Damage & Range of the KAS ...
KAS 74U DayZ Weapon Summary. The KAS 74U uses 545x39 Rounds and can fire at 600 RPM (Rounds Per Minute) inflicting 65.55 health damage and 72.83 shock damage per shot with 180 recoil rating out of 700(lower is better). The KAS 74U is capable of doing a full reload in 3.85 seconds, containing a maximum ammo capacity of 46.
AKS-74U - 枪炮世界
AKS-74U(俄文为AKC-74Y)是在1979年被苏军采用的,是在AKS-74的基础上改进的短枪管型突击步枪,“U”是俄语里的“短”的缩写。 该枪的研制可追溯到前苏联1950~60年代的冲锋枪小型化项目。 其中一个叫Букет的项目是要研制一种像步枪一样威力的小型冲锋枪。 但Букет项目没有取得实质性的成果,其后续是目的相同但指标要现实一些的“модерн”冲锋枪项目。
KAS-74U Lightweight Buttstock - DayZ Wiki
KAS-74U Lightweight Buttstock is a weapon attachment in DayZ. It is potentially found either in military locations, or found attached to the KAS-74U, but can be attached to any KA family rifle.
KAS-74U | DayZ
KAS-74U. Selective-fire assault rifle fed from a detachable magazine. Shortened version of KA-74 with some compatible attachments. Uses 5.45x39mm rounds. In-Game Description
如何评价AKS-74U这把枪? - 知乎
枪托折叠的aks-74u. aks-74u不是作为步枪发给一线战斗步兵的,而是发给坦克兵、汽车兵、飞行员、重武器操作手的自卫武器,类似后来的pdw。和过去发射手枪弹的冲锋枪比,aks-74u发射的是步枪弹,弹头初速、动能、杀伤威力都比传统的冲锋枪有明显优势。
KA 74 Compared to Other Weapons in DayZ | The DayZ …
The KA 74 Assault Rifle compared to different weapons | KA 74 Vs KAS 74U | Otherwise known as the AK 74, the KA 74 fires 5.45x39 rounds that have low air friction but lower damage. Unlike the AKS 74U, the AK 74 has a handguard, giving it reduced recoil when attached to this firearm.
KAS-74U... Is it good? : r/dayz - Reddit
2019年11月11日 · It's an SMG that fires AK ammo. Excellent for short to medium distance engagements but impractical for anything further than that. If you're able to, I'd suggest holding it as a sidearm for something with long range capability whether it'd be a mosin or an SKS or hell, even another AK.
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