KATE | no more rules
カネボウメイクアップブランド、KATE(ケイト)のサイトです。 新商品情報、メイクテクニック、CMムービー、などをご覧いただけます。
Nakajima B5N - Wikipedia
The Nakajima B5N (Japanese: 中島 B5N, Allied reporting name " Kate ") was the standard carrier-based torpedo bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) for much of World War II.
KATE | no more rules
Welcome to the website for KATE, a Japanese makeup brand. Here, you can get information on new product information, Ayami Nakajo and makeup techniques, see TV commercials.
KATE | ONLINE SHOP | 商品から探す - no more rules
KATEのONLINE SHOPです。 気になる商品アイテムをタップして、各オンラインショップでチェックしてみてください。
花王株式会社(社長・長谷部佳宏)は、2024年7月25日、グローバルメイクブランド「KATE(ケイト)」において、ブランド初となるグローバル旗艦店『KATE TOKYO 渋谷サクラステージ店』を、渋谷の新たな次世代型ランドマーク「Shibuya Sakura Stage(渋谷サクラ ...
Kate全球首家旗艦店即將在澀谷櫻花舞台開幕,而且可以用AI體驗 …
2024年8月1日 · KATE TOKYO Shibuya Sakura Stage,不僅是全球首間KATE旗艦店,更是結合創新科技與個性化美妝體驗的夢幻場所。 從「KATE iCON BOX」到「My Custom Mascara」,再到「魔法陣」機器和來店專屬貼紙,每一個角落都充滿驚喜與樂趣。
KATE|ケイト (@kate.tokyo.official_jp) • Instagram photos and videos
207K Followers, 0 Following, 1,119 Posts - KATE|ケイト (@kate.tokyo.official_jp) on Instagram: "「KATE」公式アカウントです! 最新の商品情報やキャンペーン情報をお届けします💄 💎没入体験型ECストア KATE ZONE 💎公式YouTube KATE CHANNEL 💎公式LINEで最新情報ゲット #kate #ケ …
Kate | Japanese Makeup Brand – Buy Me Japan
KATE TOKYO is made for the audacious and contemporary urbanite. Our makeup offerings and methods encourage exploration by fearlessly pushing the boundaries of style. Drawing inspiration from the vibe of Tokyo, the fashion and beauty hub of the world, where groundbreaking trends are born on a daily basis - in all its id
KATE Japanese Store | DOKODEMO
TOKYO's cellphy -made brand featuring a cool and sharp world view. The brand slogan is "NORE RULES", which has a desire to release individuality and awaken your own beauty. We have both point makeup and base makeup that can easily achieve urban trend makeup.
Kate | Cosmetics Beauty - EverSeiko Corporation
KATE TOKYO is designed for the daring and modern city-dweller. Our makeup products and techniques stimulate experimentation through a brave transcendence of style. Inspired by the aura of Tokyo — the global fashion and beauty capital of the world where avant-garde styles are created every day — in all its eccentricity and chic brilliance.