Kaṭhina - Wikipedia
Kathina is a Buddhist festival which comes at the end of Vassa, the three-month rainy season retreat for Theravada Buddhists in Bangladesh (known as Kaṭhina Cībar Dān), Cambodia, …
Kathina - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Kathina (Pali: Kaṭhina) merupakan salah satu hari raya Buddhisme yang biasanya dirayakan pada akhir masa Vassa (biasanya jatuh pada bulan Oktober). Hari raya Kathina ini merupakan …
Katina The Ritual Offering of the Robe - Buddhi Vihara
Katina refers to the offering of the special robe (Katina civara) prepared and presented to monks who have completed the three-month period of retreat called Vas in Sinhala, and Vassana in …
Kathina, the Buddhist Robe Offering Ceremony - Learn Religions
2018年7月10日 · Kathina is an ancient ceremony for giving Buddhist monks and nuns gifts of cloth to make robes. This article explains the ceremony and its history.
KATHINA PŪJĀ GĀTHĀ - Vihara Dharma Bhakti
KATHINA PŪJĀ GĀTHĀ Namo Sanghyang Ādi Buddhāya Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Namo Sabbe Bodhisattāya-Mahasattāya Imaṁ bhante sapparivāraṁ …
Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony - Buddhistpedia
The Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony is one of the most significant traditions of Buddhism. With origins dating back to the Lord Buddha’s time over 2,500 years ago, faithful Buddhists from …
The Kathina Ceremony: A Profound Buddhist Tradition - Spiritual …
2024年2月26日 · The Kathina Ceremony, also known as the robe-offering ceremony, is a traditional Buddhist event celebrated annually by Theravada Buddhists. It occurs at the end of …
Perayaan Kathina Puja Dalam Agama Buddha - Kompasiana
2021年10月27日 · Kathina adalah hari bhakti umat Buddha kepada anggota sangha (perkumpulan para bhiksu dan bhiksuni) yang dilaksanakan selama sebulan penuh. Kathina …
Makna Perayaan Kathina - Samaggi Phala
Di berbagai negara Buddhis biasanya perayaan Kathina atau Kathina Puja dilaksanakan dengan sangat meriah dan bahkan paling meriah dibandingkan berbagai Hari Besar Agama Buddha …
Kathina - Wat Buddha Oregon
The Kathina ceremony is an annual Buddhist festival at the end of the Vassa or rainy season retreat. The ceremony is an opportunity for laypeople to make offerings of new robes and …