Kawasaki | Z 400 (ER400-F)
作為Kawasaki Z家族的最新成員,Z400的SuperNaked精髓也同樣被設計出來。 與2018 新發表的Ninja 400共同發展,新的Z400在”SUGOMI”的中心設計理念誕生,同樣的針對了引擎進行高性能的優化、針對車體結構也提供了高強度且輕量的進化。
2022 Kawasaki Z400 ABS - Cycle World
2022年7月5日 · Unveiled a year after the significantly revised Ninja 400, the Z400 combines stripped-down streetfighter styling with the same capable, fun-loving 399cc parallel-twin engine found in its sibling....
KAWASAKI Z400 (2019 - 2021) Review - Motorcycle News
2024年3月14日 · Read our in-depth, expert Kawasaki Z400 review on MCN - the affordable A2 compliant naked bike based on the Ninja 400.
Kawasaki Z 400 Abs Sport Motorcycles for sale - Cycle Trader
Looking to buy a Kawasaki Z sport? Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Kawasaki Z sport from local Kawasaki dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Kawasaki sports on Cycle Trader.
【KAWASAKI Z400】車輛一覽 新車、二手、中古機車、速可達、 …
【KAWASAKI Z400】新車、二手、中古機車、速可達、大型重機各式車款,優質車商、個人自售應有盡有!
Kawasaki Z 400 2023 - Fiche moto - Motoplanete
Fiche moto Kawasaki Z 400 2023 La baston en A2. La Z 400 de Kawasaki, c'est un peu la CB 500 de Honda : un engin installé quasi au millimètre dans la tranche des A2, avec un gabarit joueur et une accessibilité au poil. Mais elle pêche par une cylindrée boudée, dans nos contrées.
2021 Kawasaki Z400 四款新色到港- iBike鐵騎網誌 電單車資料庫
和Ninja 400一樣,Z400的動力核心是充沛且好操控的399cc水冷式4行程並列雙缸引擎,最高馬力 45ps/10,000rpm,最大扭力 3.9kg-m/8,000rpm。 採用下吸式進氣路徑,並透過高性能噴油嘴與設定技術,不需要副油門的輕量節流閥本體。 Z400的對象買家,是以前會買Z300的人。 所以廠方特別把Z300和Z400的馬力圖放在一起比較,可以看到兩者分別相當大,總之買Z400便一定錯不了。 此外,散熱水箱風扇護罩,配備輕量精巧且能提升安全的ABS輔助煞車系統,也有能夠讓騎士 …
Kawasaki Z400| Supernaked Motorcycle | Aggressive Styling
A fiercely authentic supernaked, the Kawasaki Z400 exudes fresh street style and is immediately recognizable in a crowd with its compact chassis and aggressive styling. Comfortable, balanced and capable, the Z400 offers a visceral riding experience that’s sure to turn heads.
All KAWASAKI Z400 models and generations by year, specs …
2023年1月20日 · The Kawasaki Z400 was a standard motorcycle in the Z series, unveiled at the 2018 EICMA Motor Show in Milan, Italy, and introduced by the Japanese motorcycle manufacturer as a successor to the ...
2020 Kawasaki Z400 specifications and pictures - Bikez
A fiercely authentic supernaked, the Kawasaki Z400 ABS exudes fresh street style and is immediately recognizable in a crowd with its compact chassis and aggressive styling. …