Kawai CA Series Digital Pianos
The Kawai CA Series digital pianos exist for one reason — to provide you with a deeply rewarding musical experience that will satisfy your soul. The CA901 provides an incredible concert piano experience for the discerning piano player. The CA701 delivers responsive touch and authentic concert grand piano tone.
卡瓦依CA系列电钢琴大评测 - 百家号
2023年10月24日 · CA901的左侧大型彩色触摸屏采用了改进的防眩光面板,同时引入了全新的SK-EX 赛级三角钢琴的采样,使用KAWAI先进的多通道SK-EX渲染钢琴音源引擎进行重现。 独特的音板设计与机械钢琴体验如同一致,同时琴键配备了于钢琴相同的配重块,让弹奏中赋予了原汁原味的体验,如很多音乐人士的评价一样,此声只应天上有。
The Kawai CA501 Digital Piano | Award-Winning CA Series
The Kawai CA501 Digital Piano continues a legacy of authentic sound and premium features found in previous models. This updated model preserves the core Grand Feel Compact wooden-key keyboard action and acoustic piano sounds of both Shigeru Kawai and Kawai Concert Grand Pianos, featuring a new ‘competition grand’ sound which provides a more ...
音乐会艺术家系列(CA系列)旗舰机型隆重登场 结合KAWAI最新的Grand Feel III (GFIII) 木质键盘系统,全新的SK-EX Competition Grand 赛级三角钢琴采样,先进的钢琴渲染引擎,多通道采样与共鸣建模技术,前沿的音频处理技术,与真正的木质音板,CA901缔造了数码乐器中 ...
初学者该选KAWAI的CN201还是CA401? - 知乎
2024年3月21日 · ca系列是 gfc键盘,纯实木,逐级配重、无论是结构还是支点长度,都要远远好于cn的 RhIII塑料键盘。 整体手感上,ca系列会更接近 三角钢琴 的弹奏体验。 尺寸上来说,2个系列没有特别大的差别。 立式造型的电钢琴基本上都差不多,宽度基本一样 高度和深度略有区别。 建议直接ca系列免得以后后悔天天想换琴。 日系里首选罗兰. 成人初学,预算是够买CA401的,但是想知道升级部分相对价格是否值得? 另外纠结尺寸上是否会大很多(房间…
Digital Pianos - Kawai Musical Instruments
Global Website of Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Products, Company Information, Brands, Investor Relations, Environment, Recruitment
generated Shigeru Kawai SK-EX sound into an authentic acoustic piano tone, the latest Concert Artist instruments feature premium quality audio processing and amplifier technologies, and multi-speaker delivery systems. The flagship CA901 model raises the bar even further, with the in-clusion of a real wooden soundboard, achieving a new standard in
Kawai CA701|Digital Pianos|Products|Kawai Musical …
Combining Kawai’s industry-leading Grand Feel III wooden-key keyboard action, brand new SK-EX Competition Grand sounds with multi-channel sampling and resonance modelling, premium audio processing and amplification technologies, and a powerful 6-speaker output system, the CA701 delivers grand piano playing authenticity at a competitive price.
卡瓦依CA系列电钢琴大评测-有驾 - yoojia.com
2024年5月31日 · 木制键盘系列全新登场:CA401(原CA28G升级版)、CA450YB(原CA33升级版)、CA501(原CA59升级版)、CA901(原CA99升级版)。 木制键盘分为GFC、GFII、GFIII三个级别,具体区别请参照下方图示。 独特的支点设计,使键盘力矩更长,与三角钢琴键盘相似,提供更真实的演奏体验。 支点长度是决定键盘灵敏度的关键因素。 因此,我们的键盘在演奏过程中表现出更高的灵敏度。 而某些品牌因支点不足,琴键抖动现象明显。 木质键盘的显 …
CA series - Kawai Musical Instruments
High specification digital piano featuring Kawai's authentic keyboard action and piano sound technologies. An excellent introduction to the Concert Artist range, with real wooden keys and authentic concert grand piano sounds. Concert Artist flagship, with real wooden keys, multi-channel sampling, Onkyo technology, and a genuine soundboard.