Kawai GX-7 BLAK Semi-Concert Grand Piano | Kawai GX BLAK …
The 7'6" (227cm) Kawai GX-7 Semi-Concert Grand Piano sits upon the lofty pinnacle of the GX Blak Series. The regal GX-7 speaks with the transcendent character and authority that has made it the definitive choice of professional pianists. Available in Polished and Satin Ebony finishes.
Kawai GX-7|Grand Pianos|Products|Kawai Musical …
At the lofty pinnacle of the GX series, the regal GX-7 speaks with the transcendent character and authority that has made it the definitive choice of the consummate professional. The Millennium III Action features components made of ABS-Carbon, a composite material created by the infusion of carbon fiber into our renowned ABS Styran.
作为GX系列的顶级巅峰之作,富丽的GX-7以其卓越的性能,成为专业人士的明智之选。 对最适合制作音板的云杉木材进行天然干燥处理时,比起一般的三角钢琴,GX系列绝不盲目地优先效率和速度,而是在音板材料处理工序上耗费了更长的时间。 GX系列的音板采用了能产生流畅声音的弧形凸起设计,它如太鼓鼓皮的拉直紧绷状态,通过给予如此之大的音板以力学的紧绷,为的是制造出更容易鸣响的状态。 GX系列在设计制作中重新研究了弯背的材质和构造,采用了在原有基础 …
Kawai GX7 Grand Piano - Piano Price Point
Features: Kawai Millenium III action ~ Double wide stretcher bar ~ Vertically laminated bridges with maple cap ~ Concert key buttons ~ Tapered solid spruce soundboard ~ Extended length spruce keys ~ Dual duplex scale ~ Agraffe construction ~ Neotex keytops ~ Aluminum action rail ~ Steel reinforced keybed and keyslip ~ Full sostenuto pedal ...
KAWAI GX-7 平台鋼琴 | 229cm | Concert Grand - 繆思樂器
富麗堂皇的GX-7是GX系列的巔峰之作,具有卓越的音色和氣勢,使其成為精湛專業演奏家的最終選擇。 打弦器為鋼琴的心臟,講求精度、強度、耐久度、均一性、低摩擦性。 為了提升上述特性,KAWAI將廣泛運用在F1賽車、頂級運動器材、以及航太科技上的「碳纖維」材質加入ABS樹脂,運用精密技術製成具有劃時代意義的高反應碳纖打弦器。 均質、輕巧、強韌、不變形、對應潮濕多變的氣候,實現了木製打弦器所沒有的高韌性及輕量化,更大幅提升連打性及靈敏的觸鍵 …
Kawai GX-7 Semi-Concert Grand Piano - Kawai GX BLAK Series
The 7’6″ Kawai GX-7 is a top-tier semi-concert grand, sharing the same scale design as the Shigeru Kawai. With rich tone, precise touch, and expert craftsmanship, it’s ideal for churches, schools, and concert venues. Blending tradition with modern innovation, the GX-7 is built to inspire for decades.
Kawai GX-7 - Pianist
size of the GX-7 makes it ideal for recitals and chamber music in a wide range of venues. All GX-Series grand pianos feature Kawai’s premium Neotex key surfaces which enhance the tactile pleasure of playing, and have moisture absorbent characteristics to aid control.
Kawai GX7 - Allegro Pianos
Kawai GX-7 Grand Piano MSRP: $92,795 Length: 7'6" (229 cm) Width: 5'2" (157 cm) Height: 3'4" (102 cm) Weight: 880 lbs. (400 kg) At the lofty pinnacle of the GX BLAK Series, the regal GX-7 Semi-Concert Grand speaks with the transcendent character and authority that has made it the definitive choice of professional pianists.
GX-7|製品情報|河合楽器製作所 製品サービス ... - KAWAI
ピアニストに無限の表現領域を提供するため、KAWAIはGX専用ハンマーを搭載しました。 ハンマーは弦を直接叩くパーツで、ハンマーウッドという木製の 軸と、これを包むように巻かれたハンマーフェルトから成ります。 打弦による弦振動で音を出し「音色」「音量」「音のバランス」を決定づける重要な部位で す。 ハンマーウッドには音響特性に優れた木材を使い、ハンマーフェルトにはオーストラリア産またはニュージーランド産の極上の羊毛を圧縮した、毛足の長 …
GX series - Kawai Musical Instruments
At the lofty pinnacle of the GX sereis, GX-7 speaks with the transcendent character. of both musical requirements and performance venues. With outstanding tone and touch in a versatile size, it is a preferred choice of professionals. Superb tonal depth and resonance in a classic size to grace any home, studio or performance venue.