Kawai GX-3 BLAK Conservatory Grand Piano | Kawai GX BLAK …
2021年2月21日 · The 6'2" (188cm) Kawai GX-3 Conservatory Grand Piano from the Kawai GX BLAK Series is the preferred choice of professionals because of the outstanding tone and touch in a versatile size. Available in Polished and Satin Ebony finishes.
GX-3以其典雅端庄的气质和独特的音色给人以极其深刻的印象,常规尺寸下所蕴含着出色的音质和触键感,使其成为专业人士的首选佳作。 对最适合制作音板的云杉木材进行天然干燥处理时,比起一般的三角钢琴,GX系列绝不盲目地优先效率和速度,而是在音板材料处理工序上耗费了更长的时间。 GX系列的音板采用了能产生流畅声音的弧形凸起设计,它如太鼓鼓皮的拉直紧绷状态,通过给予如此之大的音板以力学的紧绷,为的是制造出更容易鸣响的状态。 GX系列在设计制作中 …
Kawai GX-3|Grand Pianos|Products|Kawai Musical …
The mesmerizing brilliance of the glowing golden frame, the delicate woodwork and abundant expression of quality displayed along the inner rim, the luxurious elegance of rich black felt, and the reassuring display of hand-made craftsmanship – verified by the Kawai frame mark.
Kawai GX3 188cm Grand Piano; Polished Ebony - Reverb
Premium Grand Piano hammers are used in the production of the GX3, made with felts from the best Oceanian wool. The delicate, soft exterior allows for easy pianissimo playing, while the tough, rigid interior is saved for fortissimo playing, giving you the best of both worlds across a vast range of dynamics.
Kawai GX-3 Grand Piano - Kawai GX BLAK Series - Merriam Pianos
At 6’2″ in size, the Kawai GX3 grand piano is an ideal size for most large homes or even a performance venue. Some features of the Kawai GX-3 that make it unique include the carbon fiber action, extra-long bass strings, oversized grand piano action, and double casters.
河合平台鋼琴KAWAI GX-3開箱及心得分享 - Mobile01
2018年1月20日 · 在台灣比較常見的,應該是山葉 (YAMAHA) 及河合 (KAWAI) 這兩個日系品牌。 在請教過老師及有買過平台鋼琴的親友,並上網蒐尋國內外網站相關的資料後,發現大部分人的看法其實相差不多,就是YAMAHA的聲音較為響亮,或說是音色明亮一些 (brighter),KAWAI的音色則圓潤、溫暖一些 (warmer),也有人說是悶一些。 這還是取決於個人的喜好,沒有絕對的好壞之分。 考量到家裡的空間不是很大,擔心過於明亮的音色可能會覺得太吵,或是有點刺耳;加 …
KAWAI GX-3 平台鋼琴 | 188cm | Classic Grand - 繆思樂器
gx3 通用尺寸 | 出色的音色和觸鍵. gx-3莊嚴且優雅的突出音色讓人留下深刻的印象,比擬了大型平台鋼琴的品質。標準通用的尺寸、出色的音色和觸鍵,是專業演奏家的首選。
Kawai GX-3 - Pianist
The GX-3 is a 188cm grand piano, one of six GX-Series models made at Kawai’s award-winning Ryuyo facility in Japan. It is crafted to reward experienced players including professionals, but also to inspire those at an earlier stage in their development.
GX-3|製品情報|河合楽器製作所 製品サービス ... - KAWAI
GXシリーズ全機種に搭載した「ウルト ラ・レスポンシブ・アクションⅡ」は、カワイが独自開発した画期的アクション機構。 主要部品にカーボンファイバー (炭素繊維)入りABS 樹脂を採用、タッチ感の向上を果たしています。 航空機にも使われるこの新素材の特性を生かし、アクション各部の形状を見直すことで、木材では実現できな かった高剛性化と軽量化を同時に実現しました。 これにより、さらに軽快なタッチ、連打性および弱音コントロール性の向上、 ダイ …
KAWAI GX-3 Grand Piano
The mesmerising brilliance of the glowing golden frame, the delicate woodwork and abundant expression of quality displayed along the inner rim, the luxurious elegance of rich black felt, and the reassuring display of hand-made craftsmanship – verified by the Kawai frame mark.