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Gawx Art - YouTube
Follow my socials (very delicious): Second channel: @Gawx2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gawx_art/ This is by far one of my favorite projects yet! I've always …
Gawx Art | Finished my Kaws Companion doodle and I’m …
2019年7月18日 · 13K likes, 267 comments - gawx_art on July 18, 2019: "Finished my Kaws Companion doodle and I’m extremely happy with how it turned out :D, feels good to draw on the big sexy sketchbook 🇯🇵 I didn’t use a color combo for this one cuz I wanted to improve my color combinations 🤷♂️ I really hope @kaws sees this, that would be ...
KAWS-从涂鸦怪盗到现象级潮牌艺术家,20年凭交叉眼XX成为潮 …
2012-Kaws x Snoopy. Snoopy成了今年Kaws与优衣库联名的主角,但早在2012年Kaws就基于Snoopy的基础上加以改造,推出Joe Kaws Snoopy,当时向量发售500个,高约20cm。 2013-KAWS X Lucas Films. Boba Fett赏金猎人
关于KAWS,你想知道的都在这 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
万众期待的 kaws纽约个展“kaws:what party”,几经延期,终于在2月26日纽约布鲁克林博物馆正式开幕。 展览展出100多件作品,除了展出经过多轮发售玩具、版画、原作预热的“WHAT PARTY”形象的作品外,还将展出上…
“离谱”的创作鬼才 —— Gawx的27个实用创作技巧!电影感|视频 …
结果同样非常值得学习的还有他视频创作技巧 所有这边总结出了27个Gawx惯用的创作手法来分享给你, 希望对你有所帮助! 相机:a7m3 麦克风:科唛VM30 怪手:唯卓仕豌豆荚(万向怪手+蟹钳夹)拍英雄镜头选导管固定件比蟹钳夹更便宜,到蟹钳夹拓展性更好 灯光 ...
【Gawx】艺术家的一周生活 - 哔哩哔哩
Gawx Art | Painted a smol mural in my room Really ... - Instagram
2021年8月25日 · 76K likes, 747 comments - gawx_art on August 25, 2021: "Painted a smol mural in my room 🎨 Really proud of how this one turned out, spent a lot of time working on it but I think it was worth it! Can’t wait to paint my first public mural soon, it will be epic!
Gawx Art | ‘Giant oOf’ Just finished my Kaws inspired doodle! I’m …
8,096 likes, 157 comments - gawx_art on June 12, 2019: "‘Giant oOf’ Just finished my Kaws inspired doodle!
为何人人都爱Kaws?- 关于Kaws成为潮流先锋的成功秘密 - 知乎
本场最重磅的拍卖品是 kaws 在 2005 年所创作的《the kaws album》。 此画约1米 x 1米大小,以辛普森一家The Kimpsons人物为主角,根据披头士The Beatles 在 1967 年推出的《派伯中士的寂寞芳心俱乐部乐队Sgt.
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