Km, Kcat 傻傻分不清楚? - 知乎专栏
Kcat/Km就可以用来确定酶的最适底物,同一个酶对不同底物的Kcat/Km最大可相差100万倍。 当利用蛋白质工程对酶进行改造时,不同突变型的Kcat/Km也是需要测定的参数,用来表征酶催化效率的变化情况。
酶动力参数Km、Vmax和Kcat值的计算 - 百度文库
Vmax表示在一定酶量下的最大反应速率,即酶完全被底物饱和时的反应速度,与酶浓 度呈正比。 通常发表论文的Vmax单位为nkat×mg-1protein,表示每毫克纯化的蛋白有多少个nkat活力。
5.2: Enzyme Parameters - Chemistry LibreTexts
To determine Kcat, one must obviously know the Vmax at a particular concentration of enzyme, but the beauty of the term is that it is a measure of velocity independent of enzyme concentration, thanks to the term in the denominator. Kcat is thus a constant for an enzyme under given conditions. The units of Kcat are time −1. An example would be ...
催化常数——kcat. Vmax = kcat [Et],对于两步反应(即推导米氏方程时的反应)而言,kcat= k2. 当底物浓度很大的时候,Vmax和酶浓度成正比,而kcat可视为一级反应速率,单位是s-1,用来表示酶被底物饱和时每秒钟每个酶分子转化底物的分子数,所以又叫作转换数 ...
How do you find kcat from Vmax and Km? - ResearchGate
In brief, yes: Vmax=[E]tot*kcat. You can find detailed explanations in books (from Lehninger's Biochem to Cornish-Bowden's Enzyme kinetics) or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michaelis%E2%80 ...
How To Calculate KCAT And VMAX - Sciencing
2020年12月27日 · For reactions that use catalysts, biological compounds that speed up reaction rate, the rate, _k cat _ , lets you determine the maximum speed of the reaction. The maximum rate of reaction , _V max _ , tells you how many molecules are converted into the product of the reaction when the enzyme fully dissolves itself.
生化知识点22:米氏反应动力学 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
kcat称为酶的催化常数或转换数或周转数,具体是指在单位时间内,一个酶分子将底物转变成产物的分子总数。 kcat的单位是s-1。 如果一个酶遵守米氏方程,则kcat=k2=Vmax/Et。
Kcat, Km,Vmax这些分别跟哪些因素相关? - 百度知道
2024年12月21日 · Kcat, Km,Vmax这些分别跟哪些因素相关?Kcat代表酶的催化能力,也被称为转换数,其单位为每秒。Kcat值越大,表明酶的催化效率越高。这通常与酶本身的性质紧密相关,同时也受到温度、pH值等因素的影响。Km是酶的一种
Enzyme Kinetics: Km, Vmax, and Michaelis-Menten Explained
2024年10月1日 · This article will give a detailed analysis of enzyme kinetics. It will cover important themes like Km, Vmax, kcat, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and enzyme kinetics graphs. We will discuss the role of enzyme kinetics in different fields. This includes drug metabolism, environmental bioremediation, and disease treatment. What is Enzyme Kinetics?
关于酶催化的一些概念 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Kcat/Km就可以用来确定酶的最适底物,同一个酶对不同底物的Kcat/Km最大可相差100万倍。 当利用 蛋白质工程 对酶进行改造时,不同突变型的Kcat/Km也是需要要测定的参数,用来表征酶催化效率的变化情况。
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