Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya Co., Ltd. - MobyGames
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya (コナミコンピュータエンタテインメント名古屋, KCEN) was a development studio based in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. It was established by …
Konami | Konami Wiki | Fandom
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya (also known as KCE Nagoya, KCEN, Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya, Inc. and Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya Co., Ltd.) is a …
コナミコンピュータエンタテインメントスタジオ - Wikipedia
コナミコンピュータエンタテインメントスタジオ (KONAMI COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT STUDIOS, Inc.)は、かつて存在した コナミ グループの コンシューマーゲーム 開発会社。 …
コナミコンピュータエンタテインメント - Wikipedia
コナミコンピュータエンタテインメント 、 コナミコンピュータエンタテイメント (Konami Computer Entertainment)、または KCE (ケーシーイー)は、かつて存在した コナミ グ …
GameSpy: Konami Nagoya (KCE Nagoya)
Development subsidiary of Konami Corporation located in Nagoya, Japan, also known as Konami Nagoya or KCEN. The development house mostly focused on the creation of golf, fishing and …
KONAMI Digital Entertainment | CeVIO & VoiSona Wiki | Fandom
KONAMI Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. (株式会社コナミデジタルエンタテインメント Kabushiki-gaisha Konami Dejitaru Entateinmento), also known as KDE Co., Ltd. or just KDE, is the …
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya Co., Ltd. - Giant Bomb
Konami's Nagoya studio was responsible for the development of golf, horse racing, and fishing games. The studio was later absorbed into the Tokyo branch.
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya - Audiovisual Identity …
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya, Inc., abbreviated KCEN, was one of Konami's former video game development subsidiaries headquartered in Nagoya, Aichi. Logo (November 27, …
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya | Logopedia | Fandom
This article is about the former subsidiary of Konami. For the NBC -affiliated television station in Temple, Texas, see KCEN-TV. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless …
KCE Nagoya - MobyGames
KCE Nagoya's games - MobyGames. 🐳 10,407 items were approved and added to the database in the past week!