Address: 30 Ching Wah Street, North Point, Hong Kong.
Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School - Wikipedia
Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School (also called as KCPS) is a co-educational primary school in North Point, Hong Kong [1] founded in 1953 by the Kiangsu and Chekiang Residents' Association of Hong Kong. [2] It was the first school in Hong Kong to teach primarily in Mandarin Chinese, and for many years continued to be the only school to do so ...
最新消息 - Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School
蘇浙小學幼稚園是一所非牟利的私立小學附屬幼稚園,以普通話及英文為教學語言,歷年來深得家長青睞。 現尚餘少量學位供申請,歡迎家長查詢。 蘇浙小學是一所非牟利的私立小學,以普通話及英文爲教學語言,歷年中一派位理想,現尚餘少量學位供申請,歡迎家長查詢。 由於天文台發出黑色暴雨警告信號,教育局宣佈9月8日(星期五)全港所有學校停課,故學生毋須回校。 由於香港天文台會在明日 (九月一日) 上午二時至五時之間改發八號熱帶氣旋警告信號,教育局宣布 …
教育網址 - Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School
Kiangsu & Chekiang International Section
Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section is delighted to announce our students' outstanding GCSE / IGCSE results in the 2023-2024 academic year. The examination pass rate was an impressive 98.4%, with 82.6% of our students attaining A* - C / 9 - 4 grades.
蘇浙小學校 Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School [蘇浙幼稚園]
全港大約有 1,025 間幼稚園,80% 由非牟利團體辦學,20% 是私立獨立團體。 香港有 27% 幼稚園沒有參加「免費幼稚園計劃」,入讀這些學校不能獲得政府的學費資助。 全港幼稚園分布圖表。 香港蘇浙滬同鄉會辦學宗旨:以校訓「整齊嚴肅」四字涵蓋,即認真辦學,培育下一代。 對蘇浙小學幼稚園部而言,就是學童在輕鬆愉快的遊戲環境中產生濃厚學習興趣、熱衷學習及初步學會如何學習。 幼稚園部同時重視在兒童學習的萌芽階段建立全人教育的基礎及兩文和三語的發展。 …
蘇浙小學 Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School 蘇淅小學、蘇浙 …
全港有大約 538 間小學,當中有 61% 以中文為教學語言,10% 以英文為教學語言,29% 中英並重,雙語教學。 有 25% 的學校會使用普通話教學,他們當中大部分同時是中英並重。 全港小學教學語言分佈圖表。 校訓:整齊嚴肅 Orderly and Respectful。 學校校徽。 學校有圖書館。 特別室6間(資訊科技室、視覺藝術室、舞蹈室、音樂室、醫療室、家長教師聯誼會資源中心)。 這小學佔地面積大約 8,500 平方米,屬於「特大型」的校園。 了解詳情: 全港小學設施統計圖。 每日一 …
Kiangsu & Chekiang International Section - KCIS
Our Primary 6's travel overseas for a week to experience Chinese culture and to apply their Mandarin skills to real situations. The aim of taking children on educational trips such as these is to encourage independence, self-reliance and self-esteem in the individual, and to foster an increasing interest in Hong Kong and Asia.
蘇浙小學學校資料 - Kiangsu and Chekiang Primary School
辦學宗旨:本校是香港用普通話作為教學語言的不牟利私立小學。 注重學生五育均衡的發展,培養學生的公民意識。 1993年起另設國際部。
Kiangsu & Chekiang International Section - KCIS
Our school was established in 1953 as the only school in Hong Kong using Mandarin as the medium of instruction. The number of subjects being taught in English was increased in 1969, and the school, now classified as Anglo-Chinese, continued to justify its well-established, excellent reputation for high academic and moral standards.