kdb Artist Encaustic and Acrylic Art
Being in nature, walking and observing our unique and varied landscape, then working in the studio and creating art is a divine joy to me. The shapes, patterns, colors and forms of the natural world have been making their way into my artwork since I was a child.
KDB Art Studio
About KDB Art Studio Each hand-drawn artwork begins with the simplicity of a pencil and evolves through adding multiple layers of vibrant color. My art themes are inspired by nature and living in the Pacific Northwest. — K. Policies. Returns and exchanges of art prints and related products are accepted within 30 days of purchase.
kdb Acrylic Paintings - kdbartist
kdb Acrylic paintings inspired by nature and Climate Change.
kdb Artist - kdbwilderland-maine
Chocolate Church ART Gallery, Responsible for 6 Exhibits per year. Working with Artists, & hanging Exhibits. Also responsible for promotion, posting/writing on Blog & Facebook page for CCAG.
Encaustic ART, kdb Dominguez, Maine Encaustic Artist
2017年4月3日 · I have been studying, creating and showing my Encaustic Artwork for almost a decade here in Maine. kdb - Maine Encaustic Artist. Email me or give me a call or text at 207-653-9334 to book your lesson!
Artrepreneur - KDB Art Studio
Welcome to KDB Art Studio! Each one of my hand-drawn art pieces begins with the simplicity of a pencil and evolves through the nuance created by adding multiple layers of color. My themes are inspired by nature with techniques developed to capture a sense of realism, feeling and depth.
kdb Dominguez Maine Encaustic Artist - kdb-art.com
Wrangling images, creating data bases, working on 2 books and a series of a dozen "Eye Spy" Illustrations. This series is a call to all of us to make changes in how we interact with the landscape, rewilding and learning to live in harmony with our precious planet!
KDB-ART | Phippsburg ME - Facebook
KDB-ART, Phippsburg, Maine. 645 likes · 1 talking about this · 240 were here. Maine Artist, Photographer and Curious Naturalist. kdb paints in her home/gallery in Bath at the Large Work Studio.
Encaustic Art Portfolio - kdb-art.com
Encaustic Painting is a medium that is 4000 years old. It is true alchemy. Bees Wax mixed with Damar Resin+ Pigments, heated to 200 degrees, making it liquid. Many layers of heated encaustic medium and pigments are applied with a natural bristle brush, it is then fused with a heat gun, painting layer upon layer until the piece is finished.
KDBArtStudio - Etsy
2023年9月23日 · Shop Human Created Art Prints and Custom Pet Portraits by KDBArtStudio located in Salem, Oregon.