Machine Learning and Big Data with kdb+/q (Wiley Finance)
2019年12月31日 · With Machine Learning and Big Data with kdb+/q, readers will learn the fundamentals of the programming language and how to employ it to analyse large datasets. From basic data description to advanced automation techniques, this book provides a thorough, accessible coverage of key concepts and techniques used in high-frequency trading.
- 4.3/5(22)
Get started | Learn | kdb+ and q documentation - kdb+ and q …
Whether you are a data scientist looking to learn q, or a kdb+ developer looking to learn machine learning, there is something for everyone. by Jan Novotny, Paul A. Bilokon, Aris Galiotos, and Frederic Deleze.
Q for Mortals
Q for Mortals: a textbook for kdb+ and the q programming language
Q Tips: Fast, Scalable and Maintainable Kdb+ - amazon.com
2015年3月19日 · It differs from 'the other book', Q For Mortals in that it takes a from-the-trenches approach to applying Q language features in the real world. There is a logical progression of ideas that leads to useful and usable code. A great addition to …
- 4.4/5(46)
Machine Learning and Big Data with kdb+/q | Wiley Online Books
2019年11月4日 · Rather than an all-encompassing “bible”-type reference, this book is designed with a focus on real-world practicality to help you quickly get up to speed and become productive with the language. Understand why kdb+/q is the ideal solution for high-frequency data; Delve into “meat” of q programming to solve practical economic problems
kdb+ - KX
Get to know the world’s fastest time series database. *Independently benchmarked by STAC Research. Meets your largest data needs in the most demanding environments. Supports our native language q, as well as Python, Java, C#, C++, Rust, R, and open-source libraries.
Machine Learning and Big Data with kdb+/q[Book] - O'Reilly …
Rather than an all-encompassing “bible”-type reference, this book is designed with a focus on real-world practicality to help you quickly get up to speed and become productive with the language. Understand why kdb+/q is the ideal solution for high-frequency data; Delve into “meat” of q programming to solve practical economic problems
时序数据库系列文章(三)—kdb+ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
kdb+是一种高性能的时序数据库和分析引擎,主要特点在于其时序数据处理能力,该数据库采用内存数据库的概念,将数据存储于RAM中,从而实现了出色的数据访问速度和查询性能。 其独特的列式存储方式进一步提升了时序数据处理的效率,使得数据压缩和查询变得更加高效。 kdb+支持分布式架构,允许构建集群以处理大规模数据,实现了水平扩展和负载均衡。 kdb+具备强大的查询语言,即 q语言,基于 APL编程语言,支持向量化操作,使数据分析和查询操作变得高效且便捷 …
KDB+ 教程
在本教程中,您将学习如何使用KDB+教程Kdb+是KxSystemsInc推出的高性能面向列的数据库。 kdb+旨在捕获、分析、比较和存储数据−一切都在高速和大量数据的情况下进行。 本教程首先对Kdb+进行基本介绍,然后介绍其架构、安装以及从基础到高级的q编程语言。
Q Tips: Fast, Scalable and Maintainable Kdb+ Paperback
Buy Q Tips: Fast, Scalable and Maintainable Kdb+ by Psaris, Nick (ISBN: 9789881389909) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
- 评论数: 45
- 作者: Nick Psaris