Get started | Learn | kdb+ and q documentation - kdb+ and q …
kdb+ is a database. You can use it through interfaces such as ODBC, or from Python, but its power and performance are best accessed through its own language, q. Q is a general-purpose programming language. You can write programs for anything in q. You do not need prior programming experience to learn it.
Data types | Basics | kdb+ and q documentation - kdb+ and q …
On this site, string is a synonym for character vector (type 10h). In q, the nearest equivalent to an atomic string is the symbol. Strings can include multibyte characters, which each occupy the respective number of bytes. For example, assuming that the input encoding is UTF-8: Other encodings may give different results. Unicode.
Reference card | kdb+ and q documentation - kdb+ and q …
Utilities: general, environment, IPC, datatype, database, partitioned database state, segmented database state, file I/O, debugging, profiling. Environment, callbacks. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Kx and kdb+ are registered trademarks of Kx Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of FD Technologies plc.
时序数据库系列文章(三)—kdb+ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
kdb+是一种高性能的时序数据库和分析引擎,主要特点在于其时序数据处理能力,该数据库采用内存数据库的概念,将数据存储于RAM中,从而实现了出色的数据访问速度和查询性能。 其独特的列式存储方式进一步提升了时序数据处理的效率,使得数据压缩和查询变得更加高效。 kdb+支持分布式架构,允许构建集群以处理大规模数据,实现了水平扩展和负载均衡。 kdb+具备强大的查询语言,即 q语言,基于 APL编程语言,支持向量化操作,使数据分析和查询操作变得高效且便捷 …
KDB+ 教程
在本教程中,您将学习如何使用KDB+教程Kdb+是KxSystemsInc推出的高性能面向列的数据库。 kdb+旨在捕获、分析、比较和存储数据−一切都在高速和大量数据的情况下进行。 本教程首先对Kdb+进行基本介绍,然后介绍其架构、安装以及从基础到高级的q编程语言。
timestored/kdb: kdb+ Database Utils and Examples - GitHub
This repo contains associated code for the kdb+ guides from TimeStored.com. If you find them useful, consider taking one of our kdb+ Training Courses. kdb+ Database Utils and Examples. Contribute to timestored/kdb development by creating an account on GitHub.
VCS&Verdi:KDB文件的生成和导入 - CSDN博客
2024年12月20日 · kdb嵌入在Linux内核中,为内核程序员提供调试手段。它适合于调试内核空间的程序代码,譬如进行设备驱动程序调试,内核模块的调试等。目前kdb支持包括x86(IA32)、IA64和MIPS在内的体系结构。 官方发布的Linux内核并不包含kdb。
如何连接kdb数据库 | PingCode智库
2024年9月24日 · Kdb数据库是一种高性能的时间序列数据库,专门用于处理大规模数据和高速数据流。 它通过内存计算和向量化处理提供了快速的数据读写和查询能力。 2.
KxSystems/kdb: Companion files to kdb+ and q - GitHub
Companion files to kdb+ and q. Contribute to KxSystems/kdb development by creating an account on GitHub.
vscode-kdb-q - Visual Studio Marketplace
This Visual Studio Code extension provides extensive features for the kdb+/q programming language. Features include syntax highlighting, auto completion, executing queries on a kdb+ server, table visualization and more. The extension is developed with Atom's connect-kdb-q extension and QInsightPad in mind.