[SOLVED] kdenlive - segmentation fault - LinuxQuestions.org
2020年9月23日 · Recompiled kdenlive and kdenlive started successfully. reinstalled qt5 and the segmentation fault returns. Conclude that the problem maybe with qt5; removed qt5 again. kdenlive started successfully. installed the qt5 package from my working machine. Got the segmentation fault. reinstalled an old qt5-5.6.1-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz. kdenlive started ...
KDENLiVE choppy video playback - LinuxQuestions.org
2016年5月11日 · I had been running KDENLiVE using the on-board Radeon video driver in my Dell Inspiron under OpenSUSE 13.2. It worked, but the video playback was choppy, especially when any kind of filters were applied. I decided to try and improve performance by installing an EVGA Hardware-accelerated NVidia graphics card.
[SOLVED] Kdenlive (Current) x264 and x265 rendering
2020年12月27日 · as kdenlive looks for codecs support in ffmpeg, first you have to install the codecs you need (and I suggest you not to use packages but to build them yourself) and then you have to rebuild ffmpeg from the SlackBuild enabling the switches for the codecs you installed, like
[SOLVED] kdenlive, ffmpeg-4.3, and x264 - LinuxQuestions.org
2020年7月9日 · Kdenlive uses mlt for all its processing and rendering. I tried rebuilding kdenlive from AlienBob's sources to no avail. Mlt initially refused to compile as it needs a patch to compile against qt5.15. After applying the patch (pointed out to me by AlienBob - thanks!) mlt built correctly, and I now have a fully functional kdenlive again.
kdenlive, how to put black rectangle on frames?
2014年4月12日 · 1) load the video into kdenlive and add it to the timeline (preferably the second video timeline so you can put something over top of it) 2) "add title clip" and select the option to "show background" in the title clip you're editing. 3) draw a rectangle using the rectangle drawing tool in kdenlive over the area that you want to cover up.
[SOLVED] kdenlive crashing upon launch with variable errors
2023年3月10日 · kdenlive crashing: Sefyir: Linux - Newbie: 0: 08-19-2016 07:50 PM: kopete is crashing upon connect: ic_torres: Linux - Software: 1: 10-02-2009 07:48 PM: AWK a variable Ouptut to a new variable and using the new variable with the old one: alertroshannow: Linux - Newbie: 4: 02-16-2009 12:08 AM: kdenlive keeps crashing Suse 11 - many reasons ...
Can't add transparent video (lower third) in Kdenlive
2020年6月7日 · Kdenlive sadly doesn't support transparent videos and thus it's not possible to add animated lower thirds to Kdenlive. You will need to use other software for that. Let's hope they make this feature available eventually.
KdenLive: How to merge two short videos into one.
Kdenlive, short screen blackouts during editing: tpetri1807: Linux - Hardware: 0: 10-18-2007 05:31 AM: How to merge two mount points into one? sathyguy: Linux - Newbie: 1: 11-07-2005 08:09 PM: Is there a command to merge two files as two columns of one file? davee: Linux - General: 2: 07-19-2005 10:52 AM
[SOLVED] Kdenlive mlt library error while rendering
2020年10月30日 · Get a virtual cloud desktop with the Linux distro that you want in less than five minutes with Shells! With over 10 pre-installed distros to choose from, the worry-free installation life is here!
Kdenlive installation problem - LinuxQuestions.org
2021年10月1日 · When I try to open up kdenlive outside the Terminal I get the following: "Could not create the video preview window, something wrong with your install or driver settings". I try to drag and drop an image into the environment but it crashes and closes.