Present status of the PF / PF-AR | KEK IMSS PF
2022年2月18日 · The Photon Factory is an accelerator-based light source facility, as a part of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Japan.
Photon Factory - KEK IMSS
2024年12月24日 · The Photon Factory is an accelerator-based light source facility, as a part of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Japan.
PF-AR Storage Ring - KEK|高エネルギー加速器研究機構
PF-AR (Advanced Ring for pulse X-rays), which was originally the booster synchrotron of TRISTAN electron-positron collider, is now operated as a dedicated synchrotron light source with the electron beam of 6.5 GeV. In PF-AR there are seven beam lines, AR-NE1, -NE3, -NE5, -NW2, -NW10, -NW12, and -NW14.
Another light source accelerator at KEK, Photon Factory Advanced Ring (PF-AR), is the world's only synchrotron radiation source dedicated to pulsed X-rays. The PF-AR began to use synchrotron radiation in 1987 in coexistence with a particle physics experiments, and was upgraded to a dedicated light source in 2002.
Photon Factory (PF), KEK – Lightsources.org
The Photon Factory is a synchrotron light source facility, as a part of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan. The Photon Factory provides one of the four quantum beams (photons, neutrons, muons and positrons) for the Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS), which reveal atomic-level structures and electronic ...
The Photon Factory Advanced Ring (PF-AR) has a beam energy is 6.5 GeV and the circumference of the ring is 377 m. PF-AR is a globally unique facility to utilize a light created by a single bunch in the ring. The top-up injection for PF-AR started in 2016 with a new direct injection beam transport line from the Linac.
The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) operates two synchrotron radiation experimental facilities : the 2.5 GeV PF ring and the 6.5 GeV PF Advanced Ring (PF -AR). In FY202 3, the PF ring has been continued to upgrade the beam orbit stabilization system and completed the upgrade of the low power RF (LLRF) system. In the PF-AR, full-
PF-AR PF-AR (Photon Factory Advanced Ring) Photon Source Facility (High Energy X-ray) former booster (8 GeV) of TRISTAN e+e− collider Maximum 6.5 GeV, 60 mA, Single Bunch (Run at 6.5 or 5 GeV, 50 mA, Top-up) 377m Circumference (1.26 µs or 795 kHz) Four Expermental Halls North/East/West/South
In KEK, two synchrotron light sources have been operated since early 1980s. One is the Photon Factory storage ring (PF-ring) and the other is the Photon Factory advanced ring (PF-AR). The PF-ring is usually operated at 2.5 GeV and sometimes ramped up to 3.0 GeV to provide photons with the energy from VUV to hard X-ray region.
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