Kepma EAC-E - All Mahogany - Procraft India
Kepma Launches New Premium Acoustic Guitars at Pocket Friendly Prices. The Kepma EAC is built with traditional combination of high quality laminated tone woods that projects good sound characteristics with strong and durable built construction.
- 评论数: 3
卡馬吉他 Kepma EAC-NM 41吋 雲杉面板/桃花心木側背板 合板 民 …
卡馬吉他 Kepma EAC-NM 41吋 雲杉面板/桃花心木側背板 合板 民謠吉他 . EAC/EDC 系列屬於初學者入門琴 採用了桃花芯層壓板與開放啞光的工藝 帶來更溫潤的質感與敏感的聲音
Kepma 卡馬 EAC-NM 合板 木吉他 五色可選 - BigNose Guitar
Kepma 卡馬 EAC-NM 合板 木吉他 五色可選 卡馬吉他僅用七年的時間與兩大系列,就擠進全國前五強吉他品牌。 全店,滿 $399 超商免運
Kepma Guitar
Selected Edge-Grained Sitka Spruce Solid Top guitars, classic advanced high-end quality guitars. To the highest inspired pursuit - all solid wood guitar classic acoustic combo. tude, they have also come into their own. © 2018-2023 Kepma Guitar. All Rights Reserved.
EAC&EDC - Cost-effective Series - Kepma Guitar
The upgraded model is optimized in terms of material selection and appearance design, and provides beginners with a more diverse selection of color options to purchase, enabling a higher quality pursuit on a lower budget. Systematic wood treatments in Sitka spruce and mahogany plywood restore the classic sound of the guitar.
EAC/EDC:入门升级 - EAC/EDC:桃花芯合板 - 卡普马吉他-卡普玛吉他-中国民谣吉他厂-Kepma吉他-Kepma …
eac/edc:入门升级 这一款是初学入门吉他的升级款。 采用了桃花芯层压板与开放哑光的工艺,带来更温润的质感与更开阔的声音。
EC PLUS(星迹)系列 - EAC/EDC PLUS(星迹) - 卡普马吉他-卡普玛吉他-中国民谣吉他厂-Kepma吉他-Kepma ...
eac plus-nm(孔雀蓝) EC PLUS(星迹)系列 在无垠的星空下,每一个音符都像闪耀的星光,在指尖流淌,汇聚成梦的轨迹,如星辰般指引带领我们穿越音乐的银河,探索未知的旋律,追寻心中的梦想——星迹指引,探索未来的音乐银河
卡馬吉他 Kepma EAC-WAM 41吋 全桃花心木 合板 民謠吉他
卡馬吉他 Kepma EAC-WAM 41吋 全桃花心木 合板 民謠吉他 . EAC/EDC 系列屬於初學者入門琴 採用了桃花芯層壓板與開放啞光的工藝 帶來更溫潤的質感與敏感的聲音
Kepma EAC-E Transacoustic K10 Semi - Acoustic Guitar - Procraft …
Kepma brings the premium E series electro acoustic Transacoustic guitar range at pocket friendly prices. Play all effects without PLUGGING IN! The Kepma EAC is built with traditional combination of high quality laminated tone woods that projects good sound characteristics with strong and durable built construction.
- 评论数: 1
Kepma EAC/EDC Acoustic Guitar - LEEN MUSIC SHOP
Kepma EAC/EDC Acoustic Guitar quantity. Add to cart. OR. Pay with . SKU: N/A Categories: Acoustic Guitars, Folk Guitars Tag: Kepma. Description Additional information Brand Description. Barrel Type: A/D Colors: Wood, Vintage, Peacock Blue, Sunset, Black Nut width: 43mm Effective chord length: 650mm ...