Re: Using MFGtools with MIMRX1170-EVK - NXP Community
Hello Kerry! I am trying to use MFGTool with my new dev board iMX RT1176xxxxA. I followed the same steps used with MFGtool with iMX RT1060, but I could not get the blinky LED to work. I attached the files I generated. I also added these to my IDE: XIP_EXTERNAL_FLASH=1, XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE=0,XIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=0.
Re: code runs under debugger, not without - NXP Community
2023年11月13日 · I wrote code for a bootloader which works fine under debugger ( old JLink ) but not at repowering the 1024 eval board. Code reallocates FlexRAM to 128K ITC and 64K OCRAM then copies itself into RAM then SystemInit is called before jumping to main (). Early in main ( before tasks ) I set the user LED. For this testing the LED is in an infinite loop.
Solved: Re: IMX RT1060 How to make a GUI application overlayed …
In my opinion, for an exact overlay app with imx rt, one should use 2 layers (camera view in the PS and GUI in AS) of PXP. So I am guessing emwin lib does not support overlay, am I right?
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Solved: Re: USB CDC for IMXRT1021 - NXP Community
2021年2月19日 · In fact, to the USB CDC, you totally can refer to the SDK cdc freertos project directly: SDK_2.9.1_EVK-MIMXRT1020\boards\evkmimxrt1020\usb_examples\usb_device_cdc_vcom\freertos. You even can copy that project and rename it to your own project name, then you can based on that project and add your own code. Wish it helps you!
Lunar Eclipse Imaging with IMX585 - Cloudy Nights
2025年3月13日 · Started by Kerry D. Green , Mar 13 2025 12:43 PM. Good day, all. I typically image DSOs with my IMX585 camera, but I'm wanting to try to capture the eclipse. I have used my DSLR in the past with great success, so I will probably have …
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