How Do You Convert kV to keV? - Physics Forums
2011年4月28日 · V is used for electromotive force, eV is energy and actually means the energy gained by an electron moving through a 1 V potential difference. So you can't really convert …
Potential difference of helium nucleus question - Physics Forums
2016年9月25日 · What potential difference is needed to give a helium nucleus (Q = 3.2 × 10-19 C) 50 keV of kinetic energy? Homework Equations V=U/Q 3.2 × 10-19 C = 2e The Attempt at a …
Photon fluence and energy fluence question, all work shown
2010年9月30日 · An x-ray field at a point P contains 7.5 x 10^8 photons /m^2-sec-keV uniformly distributed from 10 to 100 keV. a.) What is the photon flux density at P? b.) What would the …
Branching ratio of particle question - Physics Forums
2014年6月10日 · Homework Statement The J/Ψ has mass 3097 MeV, width 87 keV and equal branching ratios of 6% to e+e− and µ+µ− final states. What would you expect for these …
What is the Kinetic Energy of an Alpha Particle from 210Po Decay?
2015年5月6日 · Homework Statement The kinetic energy (in keV) of the alpha particle, when the nucleus 84210Po at rest undergoes alpha decay, is A 5319 B 5422 C 5707 D 5818 Homework …
Kinetic energy of a recoiling nucleus - Physics Forums
2009年3月1日 · A Fe nucleus at rest emits a 14.0-keV photon. Use conservation of energy and momentum to deduce the kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus in electron volts. (Use Mc 2 = …
Another energy fluence question work shown - Physics Forums
2010年10月1日 · An x-ray field at a point P contains 7.5 x 10^8 photons/m^2-sec-keV, uniformly distributed from 10 to 100 keV. a.) What is the photon flux density at P? b.) What would be the …
Find the speed of a recoiling atom(modern physics) - Physics Forums
2011年2月22日 · An excited iron nucleus (Fe) of mass 57u decays to its ground state with the emission of a photon. The energy available from this transition is 14.4 keV. By how much is …
Calculating Speed of Electron after 50keV Work - Physics Forums
2010年10月13日 · 1eV=1.6*10-19 j m e =9.11*10-31 kg Homework Equations relastic energy equaltion. The Attempt at a Solution i converted the total work to total energy E total =8*10-15 …
How Do You Calculate Ionization Energies for Different Shells in X …
2014年4月11日 · \\1\textrm{ eV}=1.6\textrm{E-19 J}[/tex] The Attempt at a Solution I correctly determined the ionization energies for the L and M subshells (11.7 and 10.0 keV respectively. …