Kez - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
A Grappling Hook on his side, Kez can jump any foe with ease, hacking them to pieces with his notorious Raptor Dance. With the Shodo Sai, Kez Falcon Rushes in onto his foes, using the speed of the Sai to perform echoing attacks.
凯 kez - 英雄数据库 - 《DOTA2》官方网站
凯可以在影武长刀和翔影双钗之间变换。 基于装备的武器,他会获得不同的攻击特性和技能。 技能会一起升级,而且使用后,相对的武器技能也会进入冷却。 英雄每升一级,流派变换的冷却时间减少0.2秒。 凯向目标单位或者树木发射一枚抓钩并摆荡过去。 抓钩碰到目标后,在凯到达前该单位会被减速。 凯落地后会发动一次攻击,带有额外吸血效果。 长刀的攻击和技能会对敌人施加一个可叠加的持续伤害效果,持续时间内造成原攻击伤害一定百分比的额外伤害。 受到作用的 …
Kez - Dota 2
Kez gains the ability to rush towards enemy targets to deliver echoing secondary attacks. While in this state, Kez has phased collision and an attack rate that is less affected by attack speed.
Kez - Dota2
在成为影武团的领袖之前,凯是个能言善辩,喜欢惹麻烦的幼鸟,还曾在一年之中最忙碌的夜晚,制定一个不成熟的计划来帮助一位朋友。 凯有两种武器,所以他有两套技能与之搭配。 他在挥舞影武长刀时可用一套,挥舞翔影双钗时可用另一套。 每种武器在攻击时还具有独特的效果,不过在这里用文字也很难描述清楚其中的乐趣,所以我们推荐还是看一看下面的内容,一睹凯的风采。
Kez/Lore - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
"I was born with a price on my head. As I got better at causing trouble, that price went up. Every time Queen Imperia raised the bounty, I knew I must have done something right. I think that's the worst part about being gone so long in Icewrack... I've got to get that price back up to a respectable number."
凯kez- 刀塔百科 - wiki.dota2.com.cn
凯可以在影武长刀和翔影双钗之间变换。 基于装备的武器,他会获得不同的攻击特性和技能。 技能会一起升级,而且使用后,相对的武器技能也会进入冷却。 英雄每升一级,流派变换的冷却时间减少0.2秒。 施放任何武器的技能都会重置流派变换的冷却时间。 <br><br>在使用流派变换后3秒内施放的第一个技能不会使相对的武器技能进入冷却。 施放后可以在长刀和双钗之间切换,每个形态都拥有独特的技能和图标。 不同形态的流派变换也有不同的图标,并且流派变换的图标会 …
Kez - Melee, Carry, Disabler, Escape - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
View statistics, top players and guides for Kez on Dotabuff
Kez - Dota 2 Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2024年11月9日 · Kez switches between his Kazurai Katana and Shodo Sai. He gains diff erent attack capabilities and abilities based on the weapon equipped. The abilities level up together, and when an ability is used, the associated alternate weapon ability also goes on cooldown.
Kez (Dota 2) - NamuWiki
2024年11月8日 · Kez is a in -fighter -type match that has almost all CCs in Dota. Unusually, Kez can alternate between the two arms, and changing the stance changes all the skills and the ultimate, so Kez is a character that requires an elemental history-level memory , including a total of nine buttons including weapons conversion skills. Can do it.
Kez/Changelogs - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Enabled Kez 's Sai abilities in Ability Draft. The draft screen will show a random combination of Kez's Katana and Sai abilities.
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