Cell transformation by kFGF requires secretion but not glycosylation
2001年1月1日 · The Kfgf gene, which encodes a member of the fibroblast growth factor family, was originally discovered by assaying human tumor DNA for dominantly transforming oncogenes. The 22-kD kFGF product contains a single site for asparagine-linked glycosylation and an amino-terminal signal peptide for vectorial synthesis into the endoplasmic reticulum ...
The Fibroblast Growth Factor signaling pathway - PMC
FGFR is a receptor tyrosine kinase of ∼800 amino acids with several domains including three extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains (I, II, and III), a transmembrane domain (TM), and two intracellular tyrosine kinase domains (TK1 and TK2). SP indicates a …
Human FGF-4 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子4(人FGF-4) - 翌圣生物
FGF-4 has pleiotropic roles in many cell types and tissues, it is a mitogenic, angiogenic and survival factor, which is involved in cell proliferation and differentiation and in a variety of development processes. Product information. E.coli-derived human FGF-4, Ser54-Leu206. Approximately 16.8 kDa. > 95% as determined by SDS-PAGE.
Recombinant Human FGF-4 (E. coli) | AbMole | HBGF-4; HST; HST …
成纤维细胞生长因子-4 (FGF-4)也被称为K-FGF,是FGF家族的一种肝素结合生长因子。 它是由其致癌转化活性鉴定的。 FGF-4和FGF-3位于11号染色体上。 FGF-4及其受体 (FGF R1c、2c、3c和4)在胚胎发育、细胞增殖和细胞分化的调控中发挥重要作用。 FGF-4是胚胎发生过程中正常肢体和心脏瓣膜发育所必需的。 It is recommended that this vial be briefly centrifuged prior to opening to bring the contents to the bottom. Reconstitute the lyophilized powder in ddH₂O up to 100 μg/ml.
Octamer-dependent regulation of the kFGF gene in embryonal …
1991年12月1日 · Stem cell specific expression of kFGF is controlled by a distally localized enhancer, conferring both positive and negative regulation to the kFGF and tk promoters. This enhancer contains a consensus octamer binding sequence …
角质细胞生长因子 - 百度百科
角质细胞生长因子 (KGF-2)是人体皮下的组织细胞分泌的一种碱性蛋白生长因子,能特异刺激上皮细胞的新陈代谢等生理过程,包括细胞的再生、分化和迁移等。 角质细胞因子又称FGF-10,是成纤维细胞生长因子 (FGF)大家族中较晚被成功克隆的成员,也是人类基因组计划的一个商业化成果。 它是人机体内自然存在的一种具有活性的可溶性蛋白质,由194个氨基酸编码组成,成熟KGF 有163 个氨基酸残基,其N 端有一个糖基化位点在人体内主要由皮下组织分泌,并特异性的结合 …
Transfection of cells with basic fibroblast growth factor and Kaposi ...
1995年9月18日 · In the present study, we investigated the effect of transfection of NIH-3T3 cells with either the basic fibroblast growth factor gene (bFGF) or the kaposi FGF gene (K-fgf) on the growth-modulatory effects of TNF. Our results show that transformation of cells with either gene leads to resistance to the growth-inhibitory effects of TNF.
FGF4 fibroblast growth factor 4 - NIH Genetic Testing Registry …
2024年9月18日 · FGF family members possess broad mitogenic and cell survival activities and are involved in a variety of biological processes including embryonic development, cell growth, morphogenesis, tissue repair, tumor growth and invasion. This gene was identified by its oncogenic transforming activity.
Octamer-dependent regulation of the kFGF gene in embryonal
These results suggest that the kFGF gene is a target for positive regulation by Oct4 and implicate Oct4 as target for regulation by the retinoic acid receptors. Expression of kFGF, which belongs to the family of fibroblast growth factor genes, is restricted to undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma and embryonic stem cells.
Expression of the K-fgf proto-oncogene is controlled by 3' …
To identify cis-acting DNA elements responsible for this type of regulation, we constructed a plasmid in which cat gene expression was driven by about 1 kilobase of upstream K-fgf human DNA sequences, including the putative promoter, and transfected it into undifferentiated F9 EC cells or HeLa cells as prototypes of cells which express or do not...