بوابة الإدارة العامة للسنة التحضيرية
تواصل معنا 920002366 [email protected] المنطقة الشرقية - محافظة الأحساء ص.ب 400 الرمز البريدى 31982 العنوان الوطني 7057 - جامعة الملك فيصل رقم الوحدة: ١ الهفوف ٣٦٣٦٢ - ٣٩٥٩
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E-Services For PYD Staff - جامعة الملك فيصل
Contact Us Unified Number 920002366 Email [email protected] P.O. Box Eastern Province - AlAhsa صندوق البريد PO Box 400 - Post Code 31982 National Address 7057 - King Faisal University Unit No. 1 Hufof 3959-36362
kfu.edu.sa - Preparatory Year General Administration
Preparatory Year General Administration عSign In
English Department - جامعة الملك فيصل
The objective of the English Language program in the Preparatory Year Deanship (PYD) is to build foundational English skills for students to be used in university courses. The PYD English program is a skills-based program that focuses on the four language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing).
The objective of the Preparatory Year Deanship (PYD) of King Faisal University is to prepare students to handle university courses (and textbooks) taught primarily in English. The PYD English program is a skills-based program that focuses on the four basic language skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Pre-intermediate. CEFR A2.
Academic System - جامعة الملك فيصل
The cumulative GPA in the Preparatory Year is not included in the undergraduate degree requirements (Bachelor's Degree). If the student passes the Placement Test and achieves the required grade determined by the PYD Council, s/he will be given No Grade Pass (NP).
It is a 2-credit-hour course conducted through 4 hours along 8 weeks. This course provides an intensive study on some topics that are useful for students. Emphasis is placed on many topics; specifically: Matrices, Trigonometry, and Introduction to Calculus (Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, and Integration). 1.
King Faisal University-PYD: English - Blogger
The objective of the Preparatory Year Deanship (PYD) is to prepare students to deal with undergraduate courses (and textbooks) that are taught in English in the first place. English Language Program is a program based on the skills that focus on skills of the four basic in reading, listening, speaking and writing.
دورات اللغة الانجليزية المكثفة لبرنامج السنة التحضيرية
تهيئة الطلبة وإعدادهم لبرنامج السنة التحضيرية قبل التحاقهم بالجامعة. زيادة فرصة الطلبة لاجتياز البرنامج بنجاح عبر تهيئتهم من خلال الدورات وتحسين مهارات اللغة. هي كل ما يجب على شاغلي الوظائف التعليمية معرفته وممارسته وفق قيم مهنة التعليم ومسؤولياتها، ويكون تحديد ذلك في وثائق المعايير والمسارات المهنية الصادرة عن الهيئة.
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