Data privacy - KFV | Statisch
KFV Privacy Policy (as of: October 2020) The protection and careful handling of your personal data is of utmost importance to us. We therefore collect, process and use your data exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions (GDPR, TKG 2003, DSG 2018).
KFV Soluciones Inmediatas, S.A. de .C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R.
Privacy Policy. KFV values the privacy of our clients and complies with Mexico's Personal Data Protection Law as well as international privacy standards. All client data is protected through encryption technologies, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized parties. Go Check
Privacy Policy - SIEGENIA
KFV Karl Fliether GmbH & Co. KG takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We would like you to know when we store which data and how we use them. As a private-law company, we are subject to the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German ...
KFV Doorlocks - Stable Hardware
KFV multi-point locks series offers a large choice of versions. Whether these are for timber, PVC or aluminium profiles, key-operated or handle-operated, for single or double-leaf doors or even elements up to a height of 3 meters.
电子访问权限监控系统KFVkeyless支持电气防盗保护,连接了安全性与最优质的舒适操作性能,保证了对访问权限监控的易操作性。 基于全新的蓝牙科技,只要被授权的移动设备进入到有效范围内就会完成对门的自动解锁,无需实体接触。 当然您也可以通过在键盘上输入密码来实现解锁。 个性化的门禁权限可以十分安全方便地通过App来进行监管。 KFVkeyless不仅适用于GENIUS也适用于带A开启器的自动化多点锁AS3500或是AS3600。 易于操作的KFVkeyless App额外功能. 访 …
KFV - 百度百科
在这个时候,业界正在紧锣密鼓地开发新的解决方案,以提高防盗能力。kfv的设计师们开发了一种创新的连接装置以及精确的控制曲线,通过这些,kfv的多点锁成为迄今为止最可靠的安全 解决方案。 [2]
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Privacy Policy | KFV PROM
The use of the website and the services provided to the visitor / user, by the website kfvprom.com owned by “KFV PROM” hereinafter “the company”, presupposes your unconditional agreement with the Privacy Policy of the Personal Data of this website.
智能门时代,谁会成为国内的“KFV”? - 网易
2022年8月14日 · 各大高端入户门品牌之所以选择KFV, 一方面是因为KFV是德国高端锁具品牌,而很多厂家认为高端入户门就应该选用进口高端锁具; 另一方面是因为KFV嵌入式智能锁在品质、做工、外观设计等方面确实有不错的表现;此外,最重要的一点是, KFV抓住了高端入户门的风口,先与国内厂家推广嵌入式智能锁产品。 除了KFV之外,国内常见的高端入户门嵌入式智能锁还有来自意大利的 ISEO意秀欧及MOTTURA摩图拉。 虽然,KFV、ISEO意秀欧及MOTTURA摩 …