Torque kgcm (what is kgcm)? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2012年3月12日 · In your case 3 kg.cm means that a "force" of 3 kg acting at a radius of 1 cm would produce the same amount of torque as your motor. Equally that could be 0.1 kg x 30 …
Stall torque for servo, kg/cm? - Electrical Engineering Stack …
Stall Torque: 0.8 kg / cm What does that mean. I guess that stall torque is the amount of torque that needs to be applied in the reverse direction of the rotation, before the servo stalls.
How to calculate the weight my DC motor can move?
2017年3月5日 · Stall Torque = 20 Kg/cm. The unit is Kg*cm. And when a wheel of 4" diameter, i.e. 2"=5cm radius is directly mounted to the shaft, the "force" is 20Kg*cm / 5cm = 4kg. This …
KG.CM Torque - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2015年4月24日 · Torque is distance times force. A torque of 10kgf-cm means that at a radius of 1cm the force exerted in the (tangent) direction of rotation will be 10kgf. At a radius of 10cm, …
Torque in kg·cm vs N·cm (servo vs rotary switch) - Electrical ...
2023年7月31日 · I don't understand the different specifications of the maximum force of a servo motor vs the torque of a rotary switch. In the following example, there is a servo spec'ed at …
How to work out how much pulling power an electric motor has in …
2016年9月18日 · Hence better to select a geared motor. Torque is often given in kg-cm and you already have this: 5kg x 2.5cm. Motor power, say, 10W to give factor of safety. I did the calcs …
Powering a NEMA 17 motor: wattage vs voltage
2021年4月30日 · Three NEMA 17 stepper motors with 4.2 kg-cm torque Three A4988 drivers The motors are rated at 3.2 V, 1.2 A/phase, so at 3.2 V the motors require 3.6 A of current in total …
servo - How much weigh can a torque carry? - Electrical …
2015年1月3日 · \$\begingroup\$ Use of kg.cm is "wrong" but common. Close enough 1 kg mass "weighs" 10 Newton (9.8 is closer still). Close enough 1 kg mass "weighs" 10 Newton (9.8 is …
How to find stepper motor's rated current to set current limit?
No, you have the right rating, it is just that you have a much better motor than in the tutorial. The motor in the tutorial is a high voltage, low current one.
Convert dB/km to /km - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2018年4月6日 · please explain How is 0.22 dB/km equal to 0.0507 km^(-1) I tried doing 10 log x = its value in dB but it doesn't work here