Kh-29 - Wikipedia
The Kh-29 (Russian: Х-29; NATO: AS-14 'Kedge '; GRAU: 9M721) is a Soviet air-to-surface missile with a range of 10–30 km. It has a large warhead of 320 kg, has a choice of laser, infrared, active radar or TV guidance, and is typically carried by tactical aircraft such as the Su-24 , Su-30 , MiG-29K as well as the Su-25 , giving these ...
Kh-29TE - War Thunder Wiki
The Kh-29TE is a Soviet TV-guided air-to-ground missile. It was introduced in Update "Air Superiority". It is a range-enhanced version of the Kh-29T. Describe the type of damage produced by this type of missile (high explosive, splash damage, etc) Give a comparative description of missiles that have firepower equal to this weapon.
Kh-29反舰导弹 - 百度百科
kh-29t 和 kh-29l 属于较老旧的发射前锁定(lobl)式制导导弹,必须在目标进入机载吊舱的目视范围才能发动攻击, 最大有效射程在 10 至 12 公里之间。 Kh-29MP 似乎沿用了 Kh-25MP 反辐射导弹的被动雷达寻的头,虽然射程和弹头威力优于 Kh-25MP,但寻的头技术仅介于第 ...
Kh-29 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Kh-29 (Russian: Х-29; NATO: AS-14 'Kedge'; GRAU: 9M721) is a Soviet air-to-surface missile with a range of 10–30 km. It has a large warhead of 320 kg, has a choice of laser, infrared, active radar or TV guidance, and is typically carried by tactical aircraft such as the Su-24 , Su-30 , MiG-29K as well as the "T/TM" models of the Su-25 ...
2022年4月19日 · 从“红星台”画面上能看出,这次苏-34携带的是“大眼睛”的Kh-29TE电视制导型,它的射程从最初的10公里增加到30公里,可以发射前锁定然后“射后不理”,但和更先进、射程更大的Kh-59相比,Kh-29T/TE并没有“人在回路中”保持载机、导弹双向通讯链路的能力,电视制导空地导弹最大的缺点就是只能在白天和天气良好的情况下作战,但成本要远低于昂贵的红外热像制导系统。 图片:共青城飞机制造厂展示即将交付我国的苏-30MKK,中间白色导弹就是Kh-29T. …
(PDF) Kh-29TE - ResearchGate
2025年1月23日 · The Kh-29TE is an export-orie nted version of the Kh- operational scenarios. 1. Mission Profile: command posts, and hangars. o Neutralizing bridges, industrial facilities, and ships. targets....
X-29 Missile (KH-29 Missile - China Defence Website
Kh-29 (Russian: X-29), the Russian army began to develop a large caliber X-29 missile with laser and television guidance system. The missile has 317 kg of powerful armor-piercing explosive warhead. At supersonic speed, it can penetrate one-meter-thick …
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KH29飛彈:詳細介紹:,規格制式:,_中文 ... - 中文百科全書
KH-29TE電視制導空地飛彈是中國蘇-30MKK戰機的標準空地武器之一,前蘇聯/俄羅斯的第三代戰術空地飛彈,俄羅斯代號Х-29 (KH-29),西方稱之為AS-14,綽號“小貓”,是一種類似美國小牛飛彈的空對地武器,但比小牛要大一倍。 該彈有多種改進型,包括Х-29Л雷射制導型,Х-29Т電視制導型,Х-29ТЕ改進型以及紅外線制導型和反輻射型等等。 最早服役時間是上世紀80年代初期,據說中國於90年代末引進了一千七百多枚Х-29ТЕ電視制導型。 KH-29系列空地飛彈全長3.9米、彈 …
Kh-29 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Kh-29TE is an extended range version of the Kh-29T TV-guided air-to-surface missile powered by a fixed-thrust solid-fuel rocket engine. Depending on the launch altitude its maximum range varies from 30 (high) to 20 (low) kilometers compared to 10 kilometer on the Kh-29T.
2024年8月28日 · Kh-29导弹是苏联在上世纪70年代研制的第三代近程空地导弹家族,北约称为AS-14“小锚”,比肩美制AGM-65“小牛”空地导弹,主要用于装备苏军前线航空兵的战斗轰炸机、强击机等。 kh-29导弹拥有一枚高爆穿甲弹头,重317千克,几乎是导弹发射质量的一半,里面填充了116千克高爆炸药,配合导弹超过两倍音速的速度,赋予了弹头很高的侵彻力,不但能够轻易摧毁钢筋混凝土工事,还能够击穿战舰的装甲,非常适用于打击桥梁、工事、军舰等目标。 Kh-29 …
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