Chi Rho - Wikipedia
The Chi Rho (☧, English pronunciation / ˈ k aɪ ˈ r oʊ /; also known as chrismon [1]) is one of the earliest forms of the Christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (rom: Christos) in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho intersects the center of the chi.
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Khi Rho Beats - YouTube
Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, and Music Producer.
凯乐符号 - 百度百科
凯乐符号 (Chi-Rho,希腊语:ΧΡ)是一个早期的 基督宗教 符号,依然由一些基督宗教分支所使用,例如 天主教 。 该符号是由希腊文单字“ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ”(也就是基督一词的希腊文写法)的字首两字Χ(Chi)和Ρ( Rho )所组成的复合符号。
凱樂符號 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
凱樂符號 (Chi-Rho, 希臘語: ΧΡ)是一個早期的 基督 宗教符號,至今依然由一些基督宗教分支所使用,例如 天主教。 該符號是由希臘文單字「ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ」(也就是基督一詞的希臘文寫法)的字首兩字 Χ (Chi)和 Ρ (Rho)所組成的複合符號。 也就是說這個記號代表著 耶穌基督。 [1] 現在已知最早將凱樂符號用作指耶穌的是 羅馬皇帝 君士坦丁,他宣稱自夢中獲得耶穌啟示使用該符號,並將之用在他的軍旗上,也就是所謂的 拉布蘭旗。 此外由於組成該記號的 Ρ 與 Χ 恰巧与 …
What Is the Meaning of the Chi Rho Symbol? - Christianity
2023年2月15日 · Chi Rho combines two Greek letters into a symbol to make it look like the letter X. This is placed over the bottom of the letter P, which forms the symbol ☧. The translation of the word into English means "Christ." It is known as the Christogram.
Chi Rho – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O Chi Rho, ou Chi-Rho, é um cristograma [1] muito usado antes mesmo do tempo do imperador Constantino e adquiriu grande popularidade depois que ele o adotou para o seu lábaro. [ 2 ] O símbolo, de caractere ☧ , é formado pela sobreposição das duas primeiras letras (iniciais) chi e rho ( ΧΡ ) da palavra grega " ΧΡ ΙΣΤΟΣ" (que ...
A milagrosa história por trás do símbolo cristão Khi-Rho - Aleteia
2017年8月10日 · No mais alto do conjunto foi fixada uma coroa de ouro e pedras preciosas e, dentro dela, o símbolo do nome do Salvador, duas letras indicando o nome de Cristo por meio de suas iniciais, a letra P...
Khi-rho - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Khi-rho (pengucapan Yunani Koine: [xiˈro]) [1] adalah salah satu bentuk tertua "Kristogram" (aksara yang melambangkan Yesus Kristus) dan digunakan oleh sejumlah penulis Kristen.
Chi Rho Symbol - History And Meaning - Symbols Archive
2021年4月11日 · Chi Rho, pronounced as “KEE-roe,” is an old Christian symbol—a Christian monogram or Christogram formed by combining the first two letters of the Greek word Christos, which means “Christ.” The Chi Rho symbol was employed by early Christians to symbolize both Jesus Christ and Christianity.