kwh和w怎么换算 - 百度知道
kwh和w之间需要有用电器使用时间,才可以正确换算。 “kwh”为一个电功单位“千瓦时”,表征的是一千瓦的用电器使用一小时所消耗的电能。 即以前人们所说的“一度电”。
Kilowatt-Hours (kWh) to Watts Conversion Calculator
A watt (W) is a measure of power, while a kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a measure of energy equivalent to 1,000 watt-hours, or 1,000 watts of power for 1 hour. So, to convert kilowatt-hours to watts, multiply the energy in kilowatt-hours by 1,000 to find the …
kWh to watts (W) conversion calculator online - MaxTables
Use this tool to convert energy measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) to power in watts (W) with our easy-to-use formula. Simply input the energy in kilowatt-hours and the duration in hours, then hit the 'Calculate' button to get your results.
Convert Kilowatt to Watt - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for kilowatt to watt conversion or vice versa. The kilowatt [kW] to watt [W] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert kilowatt or watt to other power units or learn more about power conversions.
Watts to Kilowatt-Hours (kWh) Conversion Calculator
To convert the power in watts to kilowatt-hours, multiply 100 watts by 1 hour, then divide by 1,000 to find the energy usage in kWh. If electricity costs $0.12 per kWh, then a 100-watt light bulb will cost 1.2 cents per hour that it’s on. Try our electricity cost calculator to estimate the cost of power usage on your monthly bill.
Kilowatt Hours to Watts (kWh to W) Conversion Calculator
2022年9月13日 · Convert kilowatt hours to watts (kWh to W) with our conversion calculator. Quickly estimate wattage of your devices for an hour, day, month, or year.
千瓦时 - 百度百科
千瓦时(国际单位制符号:kW·h,或简记为kWh),又称“度”,是能量量度单位。 1千瓦时相当于一件输入功率为1000瓦的设备连续稳定工作1小时所消耗的能量,等于3.6百万焦耳。 [1]千瓦时常被用于量度电能,是电力销售的常用计费单位。 千瓦时是中国的法定能量计量单位之一,也被称为度。 [2]1千瓦时被定义为1千瓦的功率在1小时内做的总功,即. 千瓦时被广泛应用在 电能 量度中,一方面是因为参与构成的功率单位瓦特(W)和时间单位小时(h)都是相对容易被大众接受的 …
kWh to Watts Calculator - Calculatorology
kWh to Watts Calculator is a conversion calculator which converts the energy from Kilowatt-hours and time in hours to Power in watts. It has two text fields which require you to enter the power in kilowatt-hours and the time in hours respectively.
功率单位换算 - 在线功率转换计算器
kWh to watts (W) conversion calculator | CalculatorX.com
Energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh) to power in watts (W) calculator and calculation formula. Enter the energy in kilowatt-hours, consumption time period in hours and press the Calculate button: