Mitsubishi Ki-67 - Wikipedia
The Mitsubishi Ki-67 Hiryū (飛龍, "Flying Dragon"; Allied reporting name " Peggy ") was a twin-engine bomber produced by Mitsubishi Aircraft Company and used by the Imperial Japanese …
Mitsubishi Kamikaze Ki-167 Sakuradan (Japan)
2018年7月22日 · The Ki-167 project, which proposed attacking targets with the powerful Sakuradan ammunition, stood out against this background and made it possible to significantly …
大日本帝国的神奇造物——陆军特攻兵器 - 知乎
KI-67作为能够获得的最强力轰炸机,全部自卫装备被废除,乘员减到4人,在飞机的上部布置了一颗使用铝热剂的2900kg炸弹: (就在驾驶舱后面啊) 撞击目标时,炸弹通过飞机头部的长杆 …
80年前 Ki-67“飞龙”轰炸机首飞成功 多次空袭塞班摧毁50架B-29
2022年12月29日 · 日军甚至丧心病狂地制造出Ki-167“樱弹”这样的“超级神风特攻机”,在驾驶舱后方安装一个重达三吨的破甲弹。 为了让“飞龙”能够成功起飞,拆掉了所有的自卫武器和防护装 …
Mitsubishi Ki.67 Type 4 (Peggy) Info - daveswarbirds.com
The Ki-167 "Sakura-dan" was a special attack version of the Ki-67 bomber. It was equipped with one shaped charge thermite bomb of 2,900 kg (6,400 lb) in the fuselage behind the crew …
Mitsubishi Ki-67 Variants and Derivatives (Ki-69, 109, 167)
2007年5月31日 · Mitsubishi KI 67-TO GO was the suicide aircraft which remodeled 4-shiki heavy bomber called a best bomber of the IJA "Hiryu". Remodeling made the fuselage surface …
四式重爆撃機 - Wikipedia
四式重爆撃機 (よんしきじゅうばくげきき)は、 第二次世界大戦 時の 大日本帝国陸軍 の 重爆撃機。 キ番号 (計画名称)は キ67。 愛称 は 飛龍 (ひりゅう)。 略称・呼称は 四式重爆 …
大日本帝国陸軍 記録写真[キ167(仮称)/四式重爆撃機『飛龍』 …
2023年8月20日 · ki-167(仮称)/四式重爆撃機『飛龍』桜弾搭載機
Mitsubishi Ki.67 Type 4 (Peggy) Info - daveswarbirds.com
A total of 698 Ki-67s were built. Two other aircraft were also derived from the Ki-67, one of which was a heavy fighter interceptor known as the Ki-109 , and the other was a suicide aircraft …
Mitsubishi Ki-167 - kamikaze bomber - aviastar.org
World's first use of Airborne Thermal Lance weapon! This plane carried the Mother of all Hollow Charge devices called Sakura-dan, a thermite bomb of 2,900 kg (6,400 lb) in the fuselage …