Mitsubishi Ki-30 - Wikipedia
The Mitsubishi Ki-30 (九七式軽爆撃機, Kyunana-shiki keibakugekiki, lit. ''Type 97 light bomber'') was a Japanese light bomber of World War II. It was a single-engine, mid-wing, cantilever monoplane of stressed-skin construction with a fixed tailwheel undercarriage and a long transparent cockpit canopy.
九七式輕轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
九七式輕轟炸機 (日语: 九七式輕爆擊機)又名 Ki-30 (キ30), 盟軍 代號為「Ann」,略稱為 九七式輕爆 、 九七輕爆 等。 開發製造者為 三菱重工業,和另一種 九八式輕轟炸機 同是 日本帝國陸軍 主力的俯衝轟炸機。
九七式俯冲轰炸机 (日文:九七式轻爆击机)又名Ki-30,它和另一种九八式俯冲轰炸机同是日本帝国陆军主力的俯冲轰炸机。 [1] 1938年1月九七式首次用于华北战场,之后参与徐州会战和转战华南,太平洋战争初期也有使用直至1942年,之后退居二线作为教练机。 1945年在中国东北的日本陆军第32飞行队在日军战败时,有3架九七式被中国解放军接收,随后在东北老航校使用。 [1] (1)机头两挺7.7毫米口径机枪. (2)机后一挺7.7毫米口径机枪. (3)400公斤炸弹. 乘 …
九七式轻轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
九七式轻轰炸机 (日语: 九七式輕爆擊機)又名 Ki-30 (キ30), 盟军 代号为“Ann”,略称为 九七式轻爆 、 九七轻爆 等。 开发制造者为 三菱重工业,和另一种 九八式轻轰炸机 同是 日本帝国陆军 主力的俯冲轰炸机。
Mitsubishi Ki-30 (Ann) Light Bomber / Trainer / Ground Attack …
2020年9月23日 · The Ki-30 made its debut in the early portion of 1938. There, against a limited foe, the type proved an excellent light bombing platform and certainly made itself a viable tactical tool in the Japanese Army arsenal - particularly when under the …
Mitsubishi Ki-30 - AirPages
The Ki-30 was declared the winner of the competition, and Mitsubishi received an order to build a batch of 16 aircraft for operational testing. Their assembly was completed in January 1938, and they differed from the prototypes in engines - they were equipped with improved Nakajima Ha-5 KAI engines with a capacity of 950 hp.
九七式俯冲轰炸机 (日文 九七式轻暴击机)又名Ki-30.它和另一种九八式俯冲轰炸机同是 日本帝国 陆军的俯冲轰炸机。 [1] 1938年1月九七式首次用于华北战场,之后参与徐州会战和转战华南,太平洋战争初期也有使用一直至1942年,之后退居二线作为教练机。 1945年在中国东北的日本陆军第32飞行队在日军战败时,有3架九七式被中国人民解放军 第四野战军 接受,随后,在东北老航线使用。 九七式俯冲轰炸机是日本陆军航空兵部队二战期间的主力俯冲轰炸机之一,该俯冲轰炸 …
RTAF Ki.30 - wings-aviation.ch
The Mitsubishi Ki-30 was a Japanese light bomber of World War II. It was a single-engine, mid-wing, cantilever monoplane with a fixed tailwheel undercarriage and a long transparent cockpit canopy. The type had significance in being the first Japanese aircraft to be powered by a modern two-row radial engine.
Ki-30 Light Bomber | World War II Database - WW2DB
The Ki-30 aircraft were single-engine, mid-wing, cantilever aircraft with fixed tail wheel undercarriage construction. They were deployed immediately to China where they were highly effective as many Chinese fighters were obsolete older models that could not compete with the Japanese escort fighters.
九七式輕轟炸機 - Wikiwand
九七式轻轰炸机 (日语: 九七式輕爆擊機)又名 Ki-30 (キ30), 盟军 代号为“Ann”,略称为 九七式轻爆 、 九七轻爆 等。 开发制造者为 三菱重工业,和另一种 九八式轻轰炸机 同是 日本帝国陆军 主力的俯冲轰炸机。
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