Diffrences between the Ki-61-I-Otsu and the Ki-61-I-Hei
2012年10月4日 · So the obvious differences between the Ki-61-I- Otsu and the Ki-61-I- Hei is the wing armament. What I want to know is there any other diffrences between the 2. I heard the …
Kawasaki Ki-61 - Wikipedia
Compared to the Ki-61-I, the Ki-61-II had 10% greater wing area, used more armour and was powered by the Kawasaki Ha-140 engine generating 1,120 kW (1,500 hp). After overcoming …
日本陆军飞燕战斗机 - 百度百科
Ki-61“飞燕”式战斗机,盟军代号“托尼”,由日本川崎重工株式会社研制生产。 因定型量产于1943年(日本纪元2603年)而又被称为三式战斗机或川崎3式战斗机,这是一种轻便灵活的战斗机, …
川崎Ki-61“飞燕”式战斗机的性能和装备特点如何,如何评价此款战 …
日本陆航的三式战斗机Ki-61,即是川崎“飞燕”式战斗机。 二战时期,日本战斗机多采用风冷活塞发动机,但“飞燕”却采用了液冷发动机,这也使它获得了与Ki…
What are the main differences between the Ki-61-I Tei and Hei?
2021年10月31日 · Hei is literally the only high tier Ki-61 worth using simply because of its guns, all the other ones are pretty mediocre in terms of flight performance. AFAIK they both perform …
二战日本陆军的最佳战斗机:Ki-61“飞燕”与B-29“超级空中堡垒”的 …
2025年2月1日 · 值得一提的是,日本陆军三式战斗机川崎Kawasaki Ki-61飞燕,是日本在第二次世界大战期间唯一一款实现量产的液冷式活塞引擎战机。 Ki-61“飞燕”战斗机,这款战机在二战 …
Ki-61/100 Hien Performance - WW2Aircraft.net
2016年6月13日 · The Ki-61 / Ki-100 series were capable of up to 850km/h IAS in a dive and pilot testimonies indicate the airframe and the wings could withstand even more. The designer Dr. …
Which of these DB 601 powered fighters was the best? Bf 109F-2, Ki-61 …
2013年6月18日 · Ki-61 has the best range/endurance but none of the three are long range aircraft. Fw-190 carried almost as much fuel (535 liters). These are the DB601/DB605 range / …
Ki-44-II Hei vs Ki-61-I Otsu : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年4月18日 · The Ki 44 has insane climb rate and engine power whilst the Ki 61 has a decent engine whilst being very manouverable. The Ki 61 can dogfight essentially anything whilst the …
F6F vs Ki61 | FH Forum
2001年7月14日 · Ki-61-Ib: Power/weight: 297 W/kg Wing loading: 148 kg/m^2 An E-M diagram overlay would be solid red for the F6F, with the possible exception being the fleeing regime …