Tachikawa Ki-70 - Wikipedia
The Tachikawa Ki-70 Clara was a high speed, photo reconnaissance aircraft that was tested for the Japanese Air Force in prototype form but never entered production. The Ki-70 was the intended successor to the Mitsubishi Ki-46 but was difficult to handle and was slower than the Mitsubishi Ki-46. The Ki-70 was first flown in 1943 but was found unsatisfactory and the program was terminated.
Ki-70試作司令部偵察機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ki-70試作司令部偵察機,為舊日本陸軍的試作偵察機,由立川飛機公司設計製造。 為 百式司令部偵察機 的後繼機種,但因性能達不到軍方的要求而終止開發。
肺癌报告中的两个“恶魔”——P53和Ki67,可提示复发几率 - 知乎
2020年12月11日 · 在免疫组化中,Ki67正常的指标是(-)表示。一旦它是正数,它将在报告上显示(+),或者以加号及数字的形式表示。比如Ki67 (+70%)。Ki67阳性率越高,处于增殖周期的细胞越多,肿瘤生长越快,组织分化越差。所以,从疾病预后来说,Ki67越高预后越不好。
ki-70 - 百度百科
Tachikawa Ki-70 Long Range Reconnaissance Aircraft - AirPages
The Ki.70 reconnaissance aircraft was designed as a replacement for the Mitsubishi Ki.46, but never made it to mass production, showing lower performance than the latest Ki.46 modifications. In March 1939, eight months before the first flight of the prototype Ki.46, the air staff had already sent Tachikawa a proposal to design an even faster ...
Tachikawa Ki-70 (Clara) Prototype Fast-Reconnaissance Aircraft
2020年4月15日 · By the end of the war, the Ki-70 initiative was abandoned in favor of more critical wartime endeavors. Performance specifications for the Ki-70 included a maximum speed of 360 miles per hour, a cruising speed in the 305 mph range, a service range of 1,540 miles, and a service ceiling up to 36,100 feet.
Ki-70简介-Ki-70高清图片-Ki-70性能介绍-Ki-70特点及发展历程_ …
Tachikawa Ki.70 (Clara) Info - daveswarbirds.com
The Tachikawa Ki-70 "CLARA" was a high speed photo reconnaissance aircraft that was tested for the Japanese Air Force in prototype form but never fully entered production. The Ki-70 was the intended successor to the Mitsubishi Ki-46 but was difficult to handle besides being slower than the Mitsubishi Ki-46. The Ki-70 was first flown in 1943 but ...
Tachikawa Ki-70 (Clara): Photos, History, Specification - tvd.im
Tachikawa Ki-70 (Clara) HistoryFrom 1941 onwards, the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force (IJAAF) relied on the twin-engine Mitsubishi Ki-46 (Allied codename of Dinah) for fast reconnaissance work. 1,742 of its kind were produced across several major marks. In time, thought was given to pursuit of