Kawasaki Ki-91 - Wikipedia
The Ki-91 was a design for a heavy bomber similar in size and bombload to the B-29 Superfortress and Consolidated B-32. It had a bigger wingspan and fuselage than the B-29 and B-32 and featured a pressurized cabin to allow high-altitude flights.
Ki-91轰炸机 - 百度百科
Ki-91是日本陆军X系列秘密战机,是种高空远程轰炸机,计划用来部署南洋前线空袭美国本土, 这型机是日本海军富岳机试制取消后展开研制,日本陆军希望获得一种制造成本可承受的重型轰炸机,不要求洲际航程,只要能从南洋前线地区起飞轰炸美国西海岸即可 ...
川崎Ki-91远程高空四发重型轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
Ki-91采用四台三菱Ha-214 18缸星形发动机来提供动力。 由于飞机被设计为在高空飞行,因此在发动机上安装机械增压设备,预计最高时速为580 km/h。 为确保满足设计的10001公里(为什么你要多1km?
Ki-91,用于向美国本土投掷原子弹的重型轰炸机 - 知乎
Me-264超远程战略轰炸机,外型酷似 B-29 (最大外观差别单双垂尾)性能也一并超越、最大起飞重量56吨、最大飞行速度560公里/小时、最大航程15000公里。 作为德国的盟友,日本在二战期间除了航母战术应用相当熟练超前外,在空中战机打造方面也很有一套。 以经典的 零式战斗机 为例,一度成为盟军避之唯恐不及的杀手锏,而在大型轰炸机领域做事向来有预谋、有计划的日本一样没有落下。 战前国际环境比德国好,较早就开始策划研制远程重型轰炸机,目的就一个能够 …
2020年5月7日 · 除此之外,1943年5月,川崎公司重新开始为日本陆军研制新款重型远程轰炸机——四发Ki-91。 该机型是日本陆军X系列中的秘密战机,是一款高空远程轰炸机,初始设计用于前出部署南洋然后空袭美国本土。
Kawasaki Ki-91 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Kawasaki Ki-91 was a Japanese heavy bomber developed by Kawasaki Aircraft Industries during the later years of World War II. In early 1943, following the cancellation of the Nakajima Ki-68 and Kawanishi Ki-85 due to the failure of the Nakajima G5N, Kawasaki responded to the Imperial Japanese...
Ki-91 Japanese Superfortress - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年3月28日 · What is the ki-91? It is a heavy strategic bomber whose purpose was to attack distant American bases.It was to be Japan’s largest aircraft after the H11K and Japan’s heaviest aircraft. It was a powerful, larger and better armed one than the B-29, so much for the introduction, now a suggestion.
Japanese Aircraft of WWII: Kawasaki Ki-91
2015年4月15日 · The Ki-91 featured a fully pressurized cabin and had a radius of action of 2,796 miles with a 8,818lb. bomb load. While this range was 436 miles more than the Ki-67 Hiryu, the bomb load able to be carried by the Ki-91 was 7,053lbs. more than the Ki-67, a substantial payload improvement.
キ91 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Kawasaki Ki-91 - Wikiwand
The Kawasaki Ki-91 was a Japanese heavy bomber developed by Kawasaki Aircraft Industries during the later years of World War II.
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