Kibh Jeen - Wookieepedia
Kibh Jeen was a male Jedi Padawan who was trained by the Jedi Master Qornah during the last millennium of the Galactic Republic. In 188 BBY, Jeen and Qornah were sent by the Jedi …
Ritual Tale of Kibh Jeen | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Ritual Tale of Kibh Jeen was one experimental policy to train Padawans, used in the Almas Academy. Jedi Padawan Kibh Jeen fell to the dark side when visiting the Almas Sith fortress, …
Kibh Jeen's army | Wookieepedia - Fandom
In 188 BBY, the Jedi Padawan Kibh Jeen fell to the dark side of the Force and raised an army of pirates, which he used to wage war against the inhabitants of the Cularin system. The army …
Star Wars: How Did The Jedi Know Of The Rule Of Two?
2022年3月9日 · The Jedi padawan, Kibh Jeen, had fallen to the dark side and become affiliated with the Dark Force, a dark side religion affiliated with the Sith Order and the Prophets of the …
The Rule of Two: how do the Jedi know about it? : r ... - Reddit
2023年6月1日 · In Legends there was a fallen Jedi padawan named Kibh Jeen, who fell to the Dark Side and became a dark jedi, assembling an armada of pirates to wage war on the …
How did the Jedi know about the Rule of Two? : r ... - Reddit
2022年3月31日 · There was a Padawan named Kibh Jeen who fell to the dark side and initiated the Dark Jedi Conflict. He had learned of the Sith's continued existence and the Rule of Two, …
Kibh Jeen - Jedipedia | Fandom
Kibh Jeen war ein Dunkler Jedi und früherer Padawan des Jedi-Meisters Qornah. Auf dem Planeten Almas verfiel er während eines Aufenthalts mit seinem Meister durch die Einflüsse …