Kibitz | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom
Kibitz is a male unicorn pony and Princess Celestia's royal scheduling advisor in My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #10, wherein he performs his normal duties for Princess Luna instead of her older sister.
Kibitz - The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Kibitz is a unicorn stallion added in Update 6.7. He is a helper in siege stage 5 of The Nightmare Before Hearth's Warming, and siege stage 3 of the Crowns And Chaos event. None, limited time only
小马宝莉《皇家流感》漫画图集The Royal Flu - 哔哩哔哩
Micro-Series Issue 10 | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
2013年12月18日 · Celestia informs her scheduling advisor Kibitz of this temporary regime change and tells him to show Luna the ropes of the "day shift." Kibitz briefly acquaints Luna with Celestia's schedule. Luna is initially surprised by such a packed agenda, but she remains determined to see it through.
Kibitz (Reflections) - Equestripedia
Kibitz is the Reflections universe version of Kibitz. As his alternate self serves Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, this Kibitz is the (loyal?) retainer to Fauxlestia and Dupluna. This version of Kibitz is the only Reflections counterpart of a character to be from a different tribe than his Prime universe counterpart.
Kibitz | My Little Pony Wiki | Fandom
Kibitz ist ein Einhorn und Celestias königlicher Berater für Terminangelegenheiten aus Mikro-Serie Band 10. Kibitz ist ein ausgemachter Bürokrat, der Schreibarbeit für spannend hält. In Mikro-Serie Band 10 hat Prinzessin Luna für den Tag Celestias Pflichten übernommen.
有序世界 - 小马中文维基 | MLP中文维基 | 我的小马驹:友谊就是 …
Kibitz: Agree. 暮光闪闪 :实际上,我们仍然不知道是 什么 让他 变成了 有序。 六星连珠 只是 一部分 ,不过……也许有 魔法 涉及其中?
Data:Trans/Kibitz.json - 小马中文维基 | MLP中文维基 | 我的小马 …
来自mlp中文维基 本站文字内容若未经特别声明,在 知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0 协议之条款下提供。 My Little Pony ® 是孩之宝公司的注册商标,本网站与孩之宝无关。
Explore the Best Kibitz Art - DeviantArt
Want to discover art related to kibitz? Check out amazing kibitz artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists.
Kibitz (Character) - Comic Vine
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