Pixel Art - ABCya!
ABCya's Pixel Art is an online activity that allows kids to create their own masterpiece pixel-by-pixel. Young artists can choose from a large palette of colors and three different brush sizes. …
ABCya! • ABCya Animate
In Animate, kids can create their own animations! Using tools like brushes, stickers, and text, students create and illustrate animation frames. They can play their animations repeatedly, …
Magic Mirror Paint - ABCya!
In Magic Mirror Paint, kids can choose from a variety of brushes and colors to create symmetrical art. As they draw on one side of the screen, their design is instantly mirrored on the opposite …
Arts & Music Learning Games - ABCya!
Draw, paint, animate, and even compose a melody with ABCya’s Art and Music Games. With so much variety, there’s something to inspire creativity in any child!
ABCya! • ABCya! Paint - Digital Painting Skills
In ABCya Paint, kids can explore their creativity using paintbrushes, stickers, typing, and coloring pages to draw, paint, or create images. The images can be saved or printed. Use this game as …
ABCya Paint
ABCya Paint
Pixo Cross - ABCya!
ABCya's Pixo Cross is a fun puzzle game where kids can reveal a hidden picture in each level by filling in the correct cells in a grid. Numbers placed along the outside of the grid indicate how …
Arte con píxeles - ABCya
Arte con píxeles de ABCya es una actividad en línea que les permite a los niños crear su propia obra maestra píxel por píxel. Los jóvenes artistas pueden elegir entre una amplia paleta de …
Create pixel art with ABCya! Use different brush sizes, colors, and grid options. Save or print your creations.
ABCya! • Learning Games and Apps for Kids
Educational games for grades PreK through 6 that will keep kids engaged and having fun. Topics include math, reading, typing, just-for-fun logic games… and more!