Kiev 4a - Matt's Classic Cameras
A great Kiev 4 page with all you wanted to know and more, including a manual in english; Sovietcams.com, a nice site with specs on various Russian cameras including the Kiev 4; The …
Kiev 4 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年6月29日 · Kiev 4 and 4A (non-metered) are a follow up to the Kiev II and III which were copies of the Contax II and III respectively. With several improvements over the original …
kiev page - swcornell.com
The Kiev 4A uses the f2 Jupiter 8 lens and a camera in good working order can produce excellent photographs even today. The Kiev shutter, featuring a vertical metal blind, is more complicated …
Cheap Leica Alternative: Soviet Kiev 4a Camera - MrLeica.com …
What is a Kiev 4a camera? A Kiev 4a camera is a later version of the original Kiev 2 camera. The Kiev 2 is a Soviet clone or copy of a Contax III rangefinder camera. If you want to read the full …
ASA Analog: Kiev 4A Review - Martin Madeanu
2017年3月12日 · The Kiev 4A is a great, and sturdy film camera to use, and you know it will keep making images until it falls apart. Parts do and will break, seize up, become mis-aligned, but …
Kiev rangefinder - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2025年3月12日 · The Kiev rangefinder cameras are derivatives of the pre-WW2 Contax rangefinder bodies, and were made after the War by the Zavod Arsenal factory in Kiev, …
Kiev 4A - A Contax Clone - Aly’s Vintage Camera Alley
2021年5月13日 · The Kiev 4A. The Kiev is more like a clone of the Zeiss Ikon Contax because after the defeat of Germany in World War II the Soviet Union claimed the Zeiss factory where …
基辅4 - 无忌摄影论坛
2004年12月20日 · The Kiev-4A is a rugged and precision camera, equipped with a great lens. It is capable of taking advantage of modern films, and is simply a great fun to use. Several high …
Kiev-4A - Vintage Camera Lab
2013年10月7日 · The Kiev-4A is one of several professional grade 35mm “Kiev” rangefinders produced by the Arsenal Factory, one of the oldest and most famous industrial factories in the …
KIEV(基辅) 4A 旁轴相机 135相机 - 『祥升行』老相机博物馆
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