Traditional Somali names - SomaliNet Forums
2010年8月5日 · Jamac_Yare SomaliNet Super Posts: 6098 Joined: ... Kiin Kinsi Kowsar L Ladan Leexo Libin Luul M Maandeeq ...
My avatar: Former Somalia Vice President Jamac Qoorsheel
2010年12月8日 · muftaax SomaliNetizen Posts: 626 Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:02 am Location: Throwing Dabaycos into the Red Sea- Bosaaso Maakhir
Beesha Jaamac Siyaad/Dhulbahante oo si rasmi ah uga baxday m
2010年8月1日 · Cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka beesha Jaamac Siyaad oo aan u kala hadhin ayaa maanta si rasmi ah u shaaciyey inay ka baxeen maamulka Puntland,waxayna sheegeen in shakhsi ka metelaa aanu ku jirin,oo ay kalsoonidii kala baxeen.
Dhulbahante - SomaliNet Forums
2007年4月7日 · Jamac dhoof(the first governor of Banadir), Qaybe(the best diplomat and the only somali to address UN's genaral assembly). What Somali clan can ever match the battle of Jidbaale, we lost 25.000 men on a single day, men such as …
So whatever happaned to the investigation of the Jaamac Dubad …
2016年9月27日 · So whatever happaned to the investigation of the Jaamac Dubad massacare - Page 2 | Dedicated for Somaliland politics and affairs.
4- Cabdiraxmaan Jamac Warsame "Mujrim" 5-Maxamd Cadeceed Cali 6-Muuse Bigil 7-Cabdilaahi Warsame "Aflahaare" 8-Axmed Xasan "Garaase" 9-Yaasiin Maxamd Warsame 10-Maxamd Abshir " General Faalso" 11-Ibraaim maxamd muuse 12 Xareed Daahir Cabdulle. Intaas oo dhan dhiig iyo dilba waa lagu haystaa inta ka nool.
Fahad Yasin and Jeesow want to be the first to be "elected" in ...
2021年12月2日 · Fahad Yasin and Jeesow want to be the first to be "elected" in Baladweyne against the will of Guudlaawe! | Daily chitchat on Somali politics.
Daraawiish by Aw-Jaamac’s - SomaliNet Forums
2012年12月10日 · The notion that Aw Jamac Cumar Ciise, because of clan loyalty, sugar-coated or buried Daraawiish wrongdoings in order to make the movement look good in the eyes of the Somalis is baseless. For instance, some of the most revolting pieces of the Sayid’s poetry were directed against Darood sub-clans, and Aw Jamac Cumar Ciise recorded those poems ...
My riwaayad - SomaliNet Forums
2011年6月13日 · military-mind SomaliNet Super Posts: 8508 Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:49 am Location: Maxamed Farax mafraash Maxamed
Kuul Carre Says we are NOT H-Yoonis we Are Midgaans LOL
2009年11月15日 · 35- Bashiir Jamac Adam 36- Yasiin Jamac Adam Iyo dad badan oo kale oo aan halkaan lagu soo koobi Karin Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka beesha ee degan qaaradda Yurub: 1- Odayga Beesha Maxaad-barre ee qaarada Yurub: Abwaan Cali Yaabag 2- Dr: Hassan Maxamed Cismaan 3- Daljire: Axmed Muuse (Daakir) 4- Nabadoon Maxamed Muuse Xayir(Afjar) 5- Yusuf Muuse Xayir