Kiiu Tower - Glimp into Estonia's rich past!
Kiiu Tower, situated in Estonia, stands as a testament to the country's rich history and architectural heritage. The tower, also known as Kiiu torn, has a storied past dating back to …
Kiiu vasallilinnus – Vikipeedia
Kiiu vasallilinnus ehk Kiiu mungatorn ehk Kiiu torn asub Harju maakonnas Kuusalu vallas Kiiu mõisapargis 3 kilomeetrit Kuusalust Tallinna poole. Linnus rajati oletatavasti 1520. aasta paiku …
Kiiu - Wikipedia
Kiiu (German: Kida) tower is a medieval defensive tower house of a type found also elsewhere in the Baltic region and sometimes referred to as a "vassal castle". This type of fortification was …
Kiiu Tower - Glimp into Estonia's rich past!
Eestis asuv Kiiu torn on näide riigi rikkalikust ajaloost ja arhitektuuripärandist. Torni, mida tuntakse ka Kiiu torni nime all, ajalugu ulatub keskaega.
Kiiu torn: legendaarsest toitlustuskohast turismipunktiks
2020年6月16日 · Kuusalu mõisahoonest ehk vallavalitsusest mõnesaja meetri kaugusel asuv keskaegne kivitorn on ligi 50 aastat kogunud kuulsust kohvitamise, söögi- ja …
Tasting of world famous, traditional Estonian liqueurs Vana Tallinn, Kannu Kukk, Kiiu Torn. The tour introduces the well-known alcoholic flavours while introducing historically important places …
Kiiu - Kyda Tower - Ancient and medieval architecture
Kiiu Tower is today one of two (along with Vao) fully preserved tower houses in Estonia. Along with the reconstruction of the highest floor, its original, late medieval appearance was restored, …
"Kiiu Torn" ( Kiiu Vassal Stronghold, or the Kiiu Tower) (Kiiu)
"Kiiu Torn" ( Kiiu Vassal Stronghold, or the Kiiu Tower) Was build by Fabian von Tiesenhausen in 1517-1519. The purpose of the building was a fortress house. It was restored in 1974 and at …
Remedia Tutvustus - Amber Production Remedia
Tootmist alustas Remedia lahja alkoholiga, tehase lipulaevaks sai võrdlemisi kiiresti esimene toode – Kiiu Torn Munaliköör. Liköör sai oma nime Harjumaal Kuusalu vallas asuva Kiiu küla …
Kiiu Tower, Kiiu, Estonia - SpottingHistory
Kiiu vassal stronghold, i.e. Kiiu Tower, is located in Kiiu Manor Park. It was erected in 1517 by Baron von Tiesenhausen and it is the smallest stronghold building in Estonia. There are four …