KillerRed :: Fluorescent Protein Database
KillerRed kills 96% of E. coli cells after 10 min and almost all cells after 20 min of irradiation with white light (1 W/cm2). We also verified that cell killing depends on the wavelength of the incident light.
A genetically encoded photosensitizer - Nature Biotechnology
2005年12月20日 · Here we report a genetically encoded photosensitizer, which we call KillerRed, developed from the hydrozoan chromoprotein anm2CP, a homolog of green fluorescent protein (GFP). KillerRed...
Advances in the Genetically Engineered KillerRed for …
This review more comprehensively outlines the applications of KillerRed, highlighting the fascinating features of KillerRed genes and proteins in the photodynamic systems. Furthermore, the advantages and defects of KillerRed are also discussed, either alone or …
[摘要]: 目的: 构建线粒体靶向KillerRed(KR)重组表达载体,探讨可见光照射诱导活性氧(ROS)生成规律及其增强电离辐射对HeLa细胞的增殖抑制作用。
用于光动力疗法应用的基因工程 KillerRed 的进展,International …
2021年9月20日 · KillerRed 作为一种二聚体红色荧光蛋白,可以通过可见光或上转换发光激活,执行 PDT 的 I 型反应,不需要太多的氧气,肯定会吸引研究人员的注意力。 特别是,纳米技术为 KillerRed 的各种修改和通用交付策略提供了新的机会。
Evrogen KillerRed: Detailed description
KillerRed can be used for in vivo killing of selected cells and CALI applications. It can be expressed and induced in various experimental systems, including bacteria, Xenopus, zebrafish, and mammalian cells. KillerRed is 2000-fold more phototoxic than EGFP; however, it is not as effective as chemical probes.
A genetically-encoded KillerRed protein as an intrinsically …
2014年1月1日 · Resembling green fluorescence protein (GFP), KillerRed is a genetically encoded red fluorescent protein. Under appropriate light excitation, KillerRed can efficiently produce ROS that can kill cells [4]. Cells generally recognize that these transgene proteins are not required; these proteins therefore can be removed via proteolysis [5].
KillerRed在光遗传学中的研究进展 - 百度学术
Killer Rde是第一个完全由基因编码的光毒性红色荧光蛋白,可接受绿色光照 (540~580nm)生成活性氧 (ROS),对DNA,蛋白质,脂肪等造成损伤或者激发细胞内信号瀑布,影响细胞的代谢或增殖,甚至诱导细胞死亡,发挥细胞消融作用.Killer Rde作为光遗传学工具,通过遗传学技术将Killer Rde的基因编码序列与信号肽序列或亚细胞定位序列融合,可实现精确的靶器官,靶细胞,靶蛋白,甚至亚细胞结构的定位表达,具有高时空精准性的特点.随着光遗传学技术的逐渐成熟,Killer Rde在细胞内氧化应激 …
SuperNova, a monomeric photosensitizing fluorescent protein for ...
2013年9月17日 · Here, we report the development of monomeric variant of KillerRed (SuperNova) by direct evolution using random mutagenesis. In contrast to KillerRed, SuperNova in fusion with target proteins...
Chromophore-assisted light inactivation (CALI) using the ... - Nature
2006年8月3日 · KillerRed opens up new possibilities for precise light-induced cell killing and target protein inactivation. Because KillerRed is encoded by a gene, it can be expressed in a spatially and...