Kilo-class submarine - Wikipedia
The Kilo-class submarines are a group of diesel-electric attack submarines designed by the Rubin Design Bureau [1][3][4] in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and built originally for the Soviet Navy. The first version had the Soviet designation Project 877 Paltus (Russian: Па́лтус, meaning " halibut "), NATO reporting name Kilo. [5] .
基洛级潜艇 - 百度百科
基洛级潜艇(英语:Kilo-class submarine)是一些西方国家对苏联海军在上个世纪八十年代开始建造的一型常规潜艇的北约代号。其正式名称为877型潜艇(俄语:Подводные лодки проекта 877)绰号:比目鱼(Палтус)。
Project 877 & Project 636 The Kilo Class - Navy General Board
2022年5月16日 · Russia’s iconic conventional submarine known as the Project 877 and Project 636 Kilo class were developed mainly to replace the preceding Foxtrot and Tango classes. Known the world over as a cheap, cheerful yet capable submarine the kilo is operated by various navies around the world.
SSK Kilo Class (Type 877EKM) - Naval Technology
2020年12月2日 · SSK Kilo class (Type 877EKM) attack submarines are designed for anti-submarine (ASW) and anti-surface ship (ASuW) warfare. The submarines are built at the Admiralty Shipyard in St Petersburg, Russia. The first Russian Kilo class submarine entered service in the early 1980s.
877型潜艇 - 百度百科
877型潜艇(俄文:Подводные лодки проекта 877 «Палтус»,中文:877“大比目鱼/鲽鱼”潜艇项目,英文:Project 877 《Paltus》,北约代号:Kilo-class,译文:基洛级/K级),是苏联海军在20世纪80年代开始建造的一型常规潜艇,是二战后苏俄第三代/第四代 ...
苏联海军“基洛”级大型柴电潜艇 - 网易
2024年4月26日 · 项目 877E“Varshavyanka”- KILO(1985年) - 是针对华沙条约组织国家的出口改型877型潜艇的第一批潜艇,交付给了波兰(B-351 = Orzel,1986年6月29日移交给波兰海军)和罗马尼亚(B-801 = Delfinul,1986年9月19日移交给罗马尼亚海军)。
基洛级潜艇 (英语:Kilo-class submarine)是一些西方国家对苏联海军在上个世纪八十年代开始建造的一型 常规潜艇 的 北约代号。 其正式名称为 877型潜艇 (俄语:Подводные лодки проекта 877)绰号:比目鱼(Палтус)。 本型艇是原苏联海军时代研制的最成功的 常规潜艇,主要用于在近海浅水区域进行反舰与反潜作战,是俄罗斯出口量最大的潜艇等级。 以火力强大、噪音小而闻名,尔后基洛级在经过现代化等改装后形成了基洛级改进型(Improved Kilo),俄 …
Project 877/636 Kilo class Attack Submarine - SSK - Seaforces
The Kilo class, Soviet designation Project 877 Paltus (Russian: Па́лтус, meaning "halibut"), NATO reporting name Kilo, is a class of diesel-electric attack submarines designed and built in the Soviet Union for the Soviet Navy.
Kilo (class) / (Project 877 Paltus) - Military Factory
2021年10月22日 · Page details technical specifications, development, operational history of the Kilo (class) / (Project 877 Paltus) Diesel-Powered Attack Submarine including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
Kilo Class - Project 636 - GlobalSecurity.org
The Kilo Class (Project 877) submarine was designed for anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare in the protection of naval bases, coastal installations and sea lanes, and also for general...