Kimokawaii: For Things That are Both Cute and Gross - Tofugu
2013年6月18日 · Japanese society is what gives these things the names "kimo-kawaii" and "guro-kawaii", and once a name is given, the concept comes along with it. So go forth, Japanese schoolgirls! Bring more kimo-guro-kawaii into the world for the rest of us to enjoy!
Kimo Kawa - Alex Kwa
2013年6月26日 · Kimo Kawa, short for “Kimoi” and “Kawaii” meaning gross or creepy and cute respectively simply means things that are cute in a sorta creepy sort of way. Often associated with characters shown on ads or plush toy, these toys are not what your conventional girls would like, but the Japanese love them.
你们听过华晨宇的那些没有歌词的歌吗?你们是怎么看待的? - 知乎
不过在欣赏“跳大神”表演之前,先放一个链接,这是艺术家陆扬创作的《Cancer Baby (癌宝宝之歌)》,把癌细胞具化为一个个Kimo Kawa (又恶心又可爱)的卡通宝宝,走的是洗脑神曲路线。
Creepy-cute, Gory-cute, and the Fragmentation of Kawaii Culture: …
2018年9月1日 · For example, there is kimo-kawa where kimoi means disgusting or yucky (sometimes interchangeable with busu-kawa/busa-kawa from busu meaning "ugly") and guro-kawa with guro meaning gross or grotesque (more recently called yami-kawa or dark/sick-cute).
Kimo-kawaii: a chronology in 13 steps - The Japan Times
Kimo-kawaii, the slang that mashes up kimoi (yucky, gross; which is a shorter, slangier version of kimochiwarui, itself) and kawaii (cute, sweet) has become an apt description of more and more...
kimo kawa この単語の意味は何ですか?I have saw ... - HiNative
気持ち悪い けど 可愛い =kimochi warui kedo kawaii = kimo kawa 真恶心不过很可爱|maybe these are not good example, but try to watch this. https://www.google.com/search?q=きもかわ&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hkhJVIT_G8GzyAT00oLgCg&ved=0CCsQ7Ak&biw=320&bih=460&dpr=2
魔女卡哇E! - 百度百科
魔女卡哇E!是一款日本的 冒险类游戏。 游戏介绍. 《魔女卡哇E! 》是日本游戏制造商5pb公司制作的一款教育从魔界来到人类社会的可爱女孩子的 冒险类游戏,玩家要通过各种故事里出现的小游戏来适当的教育这些小女孩。 [1] 游戏方式有点类似于大富翁类,玩家通过掷骰子的方式触发游戏中的剧情,而游戏中,这些长得非常“萌”和可爱的魔界小女孩因为是来自魔界的关系,甚至可能还会吃人。 如何与这些小女孩好好相处并且教育她们如何在人间生活就要看玩家的运气和本事 …
kimo kawa – JUJUWANG
Derived from dreams, a cocktail of both anger and pleasure, disgust and enchantment kimo-kawa states the story of the world we live in, a world of contrasts coexisting in pure harmony and balance.
KimokawaE! | vndb
In this game, a magical gate has been opened connecting the human world and demon world. Low-class demons have started appearing in the human world due to the dimensional overlap. You play as a character who must train and discipline these demons during a …
Kimo Kawa - Facebook
Hey, we're playing a show today with Jonny Craig. It's sold out but we still have a couple tickets left. We go on at 6:30, come hang! Kimo Kawa updated their cover photo. Thank you everyone …
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