KINAX® 2W2 - Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG
kinax® 2w2 Transmitter with contactless, capacitive scanning system for detecting the angular position of a shaft. A load-independent DC signal of 4…20 mA proportional to the measured value is available at the measuring output.
KINAX® WT717 - Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG
Transmitter with contactless, capacitive scanning system for detecting the angular position of a shaft. A DC signal of 4..20mA, which is proportional to the measured value, is available at the measuring output.
KINAX 2W2-SSI Absolute encoder single-turn shock, vibration, magnetic fields and is superior to optical methods in rough environment. The shaft is fully rotatable without any mechanical stops. KINAX 2W2-SSI as an assembly device KINAX 2W2-SSI assembled in an attachment housing for apparatus engineering KINAX 2W2-SSI assembled in a robust
可编程轴变送器_可编程角位变送器KINAX 2W2 - 瑞 …
可编程轴变送器_可编程 角位变送器 kinax 2w2将轴位置转换为负载无关直流信号,并与角轴位置对应成比例。 产品特点. • 紧凑型角位置变送器可以安装到其他设备. • 没有磨损,低的年度维修费用以及在任何地点可安装. • kinax 2w2可编程角位置轴变送器可以安装。
Exact size replacement for analog KINAX 3W2 for easy upgrades Replaces potentiometer feedback system with a single component 48 mm diameter, <30 mm mounting depth for low profile installations
The KINAX positional transmitters convert an an-gular movement into a proportional direct-current signal from 0...1 to 0/4...20 milliampere. The angular measuring range can be calibrated from 0...5 to 0...270 degree. With optional gearing these variables may even be lower or higher.
角位变送器-角位变送器-KINAX 2W2-德国GMC-I高美测仪
kinax 2w2可编程角位置轴变送器可以安装。 将轴位置转换为负载无关直流信号,并与角轴位置对应成比例。 产品特点 . • 紧凑型角位置变送器可以安装到其他设备. • 没有磨损,低的年度维修费用以及在任何地点可安装. • kinax 2w2可编程角位置轴变送器可以安装。
KINAX 2W2. Transmitter with a contact free, capacitive sensor system for the acquisition of the angular position of a shaft. The output is a load-independent DC current signal of 4...20 mA proportional to the measured value. Patented contact free capacitive sensor system
瑞士Camillebauer角位传感器KINAX 2W2_防爆认证角度变送器
瑞士Camillebauer,角位传感器KINAX 2W2,防爆认证角度变送器,我们的角位传感器产品系列为角度,位置和倾角测量提供解决方案。 应用范围涵盖了简单的单一设备安装到在恶劣条件下的复杂长期使用,角度和倾角测 量做为机械和控制设备之间的连接单元必不可少。
Camille Bauer角位变送器KINAX系列 可应用于各个领域
KINAX WT707是安装在柴油发电机的燃油杆上,用于确认燃油液面位置,从而监控燃油剩余量。 这款柴油发电机由Z40-6缸低速引擎驱动,输出功率为3MW。 杜库瓦尼核电厂总共有12个柴油发电站点。 这些设备为核电站提供了第二道能源供应保障,当发电厂发生故障时。 应用于该核电厂的KINAX WT707角度测量范围0-30°,测量燃油杆和剩余燃油的相对角度位置。 4-20mA的输出信号传输到控制系统,并存储下来。 角位数据的存储时有必要的,当然还包括其它一些重要数据 …