It's so kind/that's so kind of you | WordReference Forums
2021年10月24日 · “That's so kind of you.” – That (pronoun) = Your sending all the files I requested is so kind of you.” "It is so kind of you to send the files." is the correct response …
too kind - WordReference Forums
2006年9月21日 · Can one say: a. You are too kind to help me. (I consider you to be too kind because you help me) b. You were too nice to say those wonderful things about me. (It was …
How kind of you / How kind you are - WordReference Forums
2010年4月26日 · "How kind you are!" is a complete sentence. "How kind of you" is a phrase. For example; He will never know how kind of you to do such a thing. Another example; Who are …
kind vs. sweet vs. nice - WordReference Forums
2010年3月11日 · "You're so kind" will probably suit this situation better. Especially if it's in response to a favour or something they have given you. It's almost like saying "You're so kind …
Holy Bible, King James version: "After their/his kind"
2011年9月28日 · Debates exist about the meaning of the Hebrew original. But I don't think this is significant to understanding the intended meaning of after its kind in the King James version, …
kind of vs a kind of - WordReference Forums
2019年1月12日 · Here the meaning of "kind of" is totally different from "somewhat", "a bit", "rather". First of all, I'd like to point out that the use of "kind of weird" and "kind of did a …
That is very kind of you - WordReference Forums
2007年6月19日 · Yes, you're right, mimi2. That's an indirect way of saying "you are very kind" after someone has done something for you or, as in your example, A asked B to sit down …
But those are the best kind | WordReference Forums
2012年10月27日 · "But those are the best kind." The sentence came from The Amazing Spider-Man. Peter(the main actor) was late for the class and took the seat right behind...
Would you be so kind as to... - WordReference Forums
2010年7月16日 · 2. Would you be so kind as to… This phrase makes you sound almost sarcastic, as if you think the other person is likely to refuse your request. In business, a person doesn't …
"that kind of a thing" vs "that kind of thing" - WordReference …
2015年9月5日 · As I was reading an article, I found an expression saying "I don't know that kind of a thing". This sentence makes me really confused. I thought "that Kind of thing" was right but …