How do you build Kindred Urf? : r/Kindred - Reddit
2022年10月19日 · 12 votes, 12 comments. Hi I'm just spammed Kindred in URF recently, wanna ask you mains what build you think op in this mode? Currently i build…
Kindred in URF : r/Kindredmains - Reddit
2019年11月9日 · Kindred in URF Anyone ever really played Kindred in URF, and if so, how was it? (And if you have any advice for Kindred URF, I’ll gladly take it) Just curious on how Kindred preforms in URF.
Share your URF Kindred build : r/Kindredmains - Reddit
2020年10月2日 · Stormrazor+full infinity edges. In urf you get a lot of free AS so you can go full dmg/crit for killing everything with you E xD literally 2000dmg crits 3 Reply Share DerpyMudKip5124
My #1 favorite Kindred URF build : r/Kindred - Reddit
2022年10月8日 · 29K subscribers in the Kindred community. A subreddit dedicated to League of Legends players who love playing Kindred, The Eternal Hunters.
Kindred in URF is aight : r/Kindred - Reddit
2022年2月17日 · 29K subscribers in the Kindred community. A subreddit dedicated to League of Legends players who love playing Kindred, The Eternal Hunters.
Drop your FUN URF builds (I wanna try them) - Reddit
Full AP shyv (max Q second, they had to hotfix nerf her in urf and she's still nuts lol) LT Tank Taric (put a second point into Q at 4, 3v1 if they are melee champs are chase down ranged with ghost) LT Kindred Veigar, go get a casual 10 cs/m with only Q, have like 1k AP by 10 mins, E start if your team can follow up on it.
Passive stacks in URF : r/Kindred - Reddit
2020年10月23日 · 13-20 since the bug of mark the same person forever it still avalible. In others urf when pasive acts normally 7-13 (still being more easy to kill)
Most broken champs in URF right now? : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
2022年10月13日 · What champion, in your opinion is the most broken in URF right now? Mine comes down to xin zhao and kindred. They are busted in URF! But I have seen some spicy ideas like lethality blitzcrank who half healths you with one E. URF is fun to see what kind of things people come up with between champs and builds.
What are your fun/Off-meta picks for URF to keep you from
2022年10月10日 · URF is loved and hated by some, mainly because the mode can just get really old because it's hard to keep yourself entertained when you see the same picks all the time. What are your most fun choices in this mode, because of …
URF, AURF, 1 for ALL 2023 : r/wildrift - Reddit
2023年9月1日 · Since August riot released full URF for only 4 days (Thursday-Monday) which left many upset and wondered why the short game event. But then it was a surprise to see AURF in the following weekend for 4 days as well. 1 for ALL was then scheduled for 4 days in the final weekend of August. Now it’s the first weekend of September and we now have URF which I assume it’s for 4 days. Im ...