King Baboon Taranutula and Hallucinations - Arachnoboards
2012年6月18日 · I was reading wiki on King Baboon Tararuntula and it states "a bite from a baby (1 cm body length) of this species caused sharp pain and strong hallucinations and the place of the bite remained itchy for five days." I have not found much in the bite reports about these hallucinations and associated effects or science behind the venom.
Baboon spiders - Arachnoboards
2023年11月17日 · People report P muticus king baboon spider bites being brutal, so maybe balfouri would be similar. From what I've seen and heard, S cal bites seem more likely and much worse and Poectilotheria sp Nov 17, 2023
King baboon or goliath birdeater - Arachnoboards
2016年11月13日 · Still deciding which way to go kinda stuck between the two a adult king baboon or adult T stirmi I know king baboons you will rarely see but they are beautiful looking along with their thick rear legs . I have had the goliath birdeters couple times wondering if I should try something different.
tips on king baboon slings | Arachnoboards
2005年7月27日 · Doing it this way will result in a fat spider that doesn't need to be fed all that often (once a week, max). The spider will get whatever water it needs from the substrate, if it's dampened slightly. A plastic bottle cap would be fine as a dish, too, if you want to provide one, but will likely get buried by the sling pretty quickly.
My King Baboon sling escaped - arachnoboards.com
2006年12月15日 · Last night, at about 11pm, I decided to remove the uneaten 1/2 cricket from my King Baboon's little deli-cup enclosure. I removed the lid and, using tweezers, picked up the carcass. The sling was not above the surface. Suddenly the sling appeared from one of the many tunnels and climbed out of...
need help on asian bird spider | Arachnoboards
2011年1月20日 · I ordered a king baboon spider and ended up with an asian bird spider. and someone out there tell me about this spider. i called the guy who sold it to me more less he didnt care so i stop payment on check not smart guy sent spider and not waiting for check to clear. man i cant beleave ppl you...
Why "King" Baboon. - Arachnoboards
2020年8月22日 · I just looked up "largest old world tarantula" and before all else, king Baboon popped up. It sounded like an opinion. But it was the Google answer. There may be leggier species but I think it may be the biggest owt. I know I've read somewhere it was. Lemme know if you know of bigger ones
King baboon or goliath birdeater | Page 2 | Arachnoboards
2016年11月13日 · Chiming in late. I say king baboon all the way. They used to have one at the SAN Diego zoo in a very large enclosure with birds and a few other small mammals. It was so large I had to ask the keeper what it was. His reply was king baboon then he said and people think goliaths get big. It was always out for all to see.
King baboon care? - Arachnoboards
2010年9月30日 · If you are bitten, take the spider in its cage, and a copy of The Tarantula Keeper's Guide (Sorry about the self serving plug, but I know that it discusses tarantula bites at length.) with the pages on tarantula bites clearly marked with you to your nearest hospital emergency ward. Have someone else drive you or call an ambulance.
Burgundy Goliath or King baboon. | Arachnoboards
2015年1月28日 · Search titles only. By: Search Advanced search…