How strong are Kid vegeta and King Vegeta? - Dragon Ball
2024年1月24日 · kid vegeta is stronger than his father. as he himself states, so probably higher than that. In the orignal dub bardock near 10k power level was said to be approaching king vegeta's s
What was Vegeta's power level as a child? - Dragon Ball
2012年7月14日 · Yet when Vegeta comes to Earth, as a grown man, his power level is 18,000. If his power level was above 12,000 as a child, then he has made surprisingly little progress while growing into an adult.
Question on the saiyan race's power levels besides Goku, Vegeta …
2010年2月9日 · The second strongest saiyan Nappa was at 7,500 and King Vegeta's max level was around 11,000 to 12,000. ... rid of baby broly who was born with a power level of 10,000. King Vegeta was extremely ...
Your Power Level Charts - Dragon Ball Forum - Neoseeker Forums
2011年3月7日 · ~ battle level : .2500 ~ battle level/full power : .5100 Piccolo Daimao arc The first Piccolo Chapa-O ... King Vegeta ~ full power : 12,000 Prince Vegeta ~ full power : 14,000 Dodoria
Bardock vs King Vegeta - Dragon Ball Forum - Neoseeker Forums
2011年6月19日 · » Bardock vs King Vegeta. Bardock vs King Vegeta. 0. Join Community ...
King's Power Level,.strictly canon wise by the manga?
The Bardock special is canon if you want it to be. It's also stated in a guidebook that King Vegeta was the strongest Saiyan when Planet Vegeta was destroyed so I'd give him a BP of 13,000.
King Vegeta - Dragon Ball Forum - Neoseeker Forums
2009年7月22日 · Thread title: From: Last replied: Now searching... Featured: Sports Dragonball Forum Donkey Kong Country Returns PC Games and Steam Music Football (Soccer) Movies LoL Books&Lit Devil May Cry 3 ...
Vegeta vs recoome (power levels) - Dragon Ball - Neoseeker
The speed stats are definitely proportional to the power levels, but Recoome may have more power and durability than he should. Vegeta ~ Power: 30 ~ Speed: 30 ~ Durability: 35 Recoome ~ Power: 45 ...
Another HUGE question about Vegeta's power level in the
2010年7月26日 · WHile Vegeta's power level vs Freeza 3rd breaks the scouter. So Vegeta is much stronger than Goku who was much stronger than Ginyu. It's just dramatic effect more obligatory conversing before the ...
Bardock's power level - Dragon Ball Forum - Neoseeker Forums
King Vegeta at 11K is good too RandomGuy96. Two much Neo 11 total posts: 2353 since: May 2013. ... Bardock's "almost 10,000" power level had a why and how behind it, that he was constantly ...