Kinugrinders.com – Right Tool for Your Passion
Kinu Grinders are designed with high-end stainless steel construction and offer micrometrical adjustments for precise grind control. This ensures that coffee enthusiasts can extract …
Kinugrinders.cn – 适合您激情的工具
经过25 年的发展和超过 2200 万台磨床的生产,Kinu® 已经对磨床了如指掌。
Countermeasures against floods that exceed design levels …
2018年10月1日 · To the west of the Kinu River is the alluvium-based floodplain of the Kinu and Kokai rivers. Known as “Akuto,” this floodplain is roughly 12 m sea level and is used for paddy …
Land use in the Kinu and Kokai River sub-basins of the Tone River ...
Paddy fields produce ecological services that improve environmental quality in urban areas, one of them was flood control through retaining rainwater and surface runoff within the …
An example of runoff hydrographs for the Kinu River subbasin
We herein attempt to improve the watershed-scale version of global hydrological model H08 to simulate a reduction in the peak discharge from paddy reservoirs in the Abukuma River basin …
An index for evaluating the flood-prevention function of paddies …
2006年11月1日 · This paper proposes a method and an index that can be used to evaluate the flood-prevention function of paddies on a regional scale. In addition, the use of this system for …
Application of Running Water-Type Retarding Basin to Old Kinu
After a description of the concept of the facility design, a design example is presented for a closed floodplain of the Kinu River Floodplain, where excess runoff caused severe flood damage in …
Kinu Kadota | P.A. Works Wiki | Fandom
Kinu Kadota (門田 絹, Kadota Kinu) is the wife of Ushimatsu Kadota. Kinu is a composed old woman with no objection towards Ushimatsu Kadota's shenanigans. The name Kinu means …
Credit, Technology, and Paddy Farm Production : A Case Study of …
Credit, Technology, and Paddy Farm Production : A Case Study of Tanjong ... ... 사이트맵 ...
Return Flow System of Irrigated Paddy Field in the Middle Reaches of Kinu River Basin 森 尚子* 佐藤政良* MORI Yoshiko SATOH Masayoshi 1.背景 鬼怒川中流域の平野部は扇状地である …