Kira Nerys' Finest Hours - Star Trek
2023年11月14日 · Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s pilot episode starts out with a bang for a multitude of reasons, but amidst phaser fire, wormholes, and bodiless alien species shines …
Bajoran phaser | Memory Alpha - Fandom
The Bajoran phaser was the Bajoran Militia's standard issue phaser sidearm. In the mirror universe it was called a disruptor pistol. The Bajorans produced three types of these weapons, …
Kira Nerys | Memory Alpha - Fandom
Kira Nerys was a major, later colonel, in the Bajoran Militia, following years in the Bajoran Resistance during the Cardassian Occupation and a Starfleet commander for a brief period …
Heart of Stone (episode) | Memory Alpha | Fandom
As he's returning to Kira's location he hears phaser fire, which Kira tells him was on account of the reappearance of the Maquis they'd been chasing. Examining the phaser blasts on a rock wall …
Covenant (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - Wikipedia
The Bajorans' faith in Dukat is so strong that when Kira threatens to kill Dukat with a phaser, many of them place themselves in Kira's line of fire. Fala introduces Kira to cult members Mika …
Bajoran phaser - Memory Delta Wiki
The Bajoran phaser was the Bajoran Militia's standard issue sidearm. In the mirror universe it was called a disruptor pistol. The Bajorans produced three types of these weapons, two pistol …
ST-v-SW.Net :: Phaser Rifles by Alyeska
Major Kira explains to Tora Ziyal (Dukat's daughter) that the Cardassian phaser rifle is a very rugged but useful weapon to use with only two power settings. She then goes on to describe …
Bajoran phaser rifle | Memory Delta Wiki | Fandom
The Bajoran phaser rifle was a type of directed energy weapon, a hand-held phaser weapon modified into a rifle stock configuration of use in combat by the military forces of the Bajoran...
OAFE - Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Kira Nerys review
Kira also gets some of her native gear, with a Bajoran phaser pistol, tricorder, and PADD. The pistol has a much narrower grip/trigger distance than the Starfleet rifle, making it looser in the …
Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 04 E 01 E 02 The Way Of The Warrior
Sisko does a nonverbal one with Hand Signals before he and Kira phaser-sweep one of the empty cabins. Bashir starts a count when preparing to phaser-sweep the promenade, but Odo "kills" …